GESLOTEN - LCB Halloween Bash-wedstrijd

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  • We don't celebrate Halloween in Poland (well, there are sometimes halloween based parties in some clubs but nothing more actually) so not much I can say this time  laugh_out_loud

    I'll limit my post to just 2 things then:

    5.  Your favorite Halloween Slot

    Bloodsuckers  grin I used to like Zombies too but had no luck with it for months tongue

    8.  Your favorite scary movie

    "Martyrs" - can't really say it's my favourite one.. I watched it once and will never do it again  cheesy

  • Hi Everyone,

    I had such a hard time posting my pictures that I forgot to submit my description of them.  >:(  So here it is……

    The pictures I submitted were taken just before my girlfriends and I went out for Halloween this year.  We went to the local tavern because they were having a big Halloween party with all the extras.  The tavern had a great band playing and we danced our fool heads off!

    They also had several random drawings for different gifts.  I happened to be lucky enough to win the first drawing and won a cowboy hat.    smiley  They also had a costume contest and my sister won first place and fifty bucks.

    We all had a great time and plan to get together next year for another Happy Halloween!

  • Not for the contest entry but i thought these were cute especially the vampire kitten. I hope no one at LCB was bitten on Halloween night  laugh_out_loud. Aaliyah was my favorite singer and i am in love with that movie Queen of the Damned. It was great how they finished it even after she passed. Hollywood magic. I bet some of the celebrity's really look like movie monsters before all the glam. I really enjoyed everyone's entry and good luck to all.

  • nice costume Gabi smiley

    Thank you very much! your picture too terribly scary. good luck!
  • Have to say, we don’t have tradition of Halloween celebrations in Ukraine and I have nothing about that to share. So, my story is about my scariest movie.

    I was just about 5 when my parents took me to the cinema for scare movie. Sure, it was bad idea, but they had a limited choice of leaving me at home alone or taking me with them. So, I got to scariest movie of 70th, the main horror of USSR and the only foreign film of this kind shown in Soviet cinemas - “Legend of Dinosaurs and Monster Birds” (Japan, 1977).  In some minutes I jumped from my seat to mother and in scariest moments squeezes my eyes and hid behind a chair. But that does not help too much. You just can’t imagine how I was shocked.  shocked For several years I afraid of the darkness and feared any shadows in my window and dinosaurs seemed to me everywhere at our home: under the bed, on the kitchen and in the bathroom. The same was outside. I still can’t overcome fear of swimming in unclear water and, especially, in dark time.  hysterical

    Since I saw many horror movies, but no one was so impressing like that.

  • So, as you can see by my country flag i am currently in Germany.. the story took place in Nijmegen, and after googling a bit, i found a nice pic of the graveyard in question: ,imd that it was darkening, and stormy and these gates were supposed to be locked.. maybe a mod can merge it into my post:)

  • i neva believed in spirits and ghosts until i felt the presence of one on the 26 dec .... the day that the massive tsunami hit asia.

    i was having a few drinks at a frens apartment which was situated across from the oldest cemetery in perth.

    my chinese fren had a small altar with incense burning and a small bowl with a few pieces of fruits  that they had left as an offering for  the 2 spirits that they believed were present in the apartment.

    i didnt believe in any of that chinese superstition and after a few drinks, got itchy fingers and decided to grab a piece of  fruit and toss it from one hand to another. my fren warned me straight away to stop otherwise i would make the spirits mad but i didnt listen and tossed the apple again. what happened next was the freaking scariest thing i have ever seen in my whole life..... a whole pile of cds that were stacked up 40-50cm high flew straight across the room.... all doors and windows were closed so there was no other explanation for what had happened... i had pissed them off and was warned.

    next thing i know my frens had left me in the apartment on my own coz they had run downstairs to the ground floor to burn more insense at the main altar..... alot of asians lived at these apartments

    i got my best fren to pick me up ASAP and refused to cum bak into the apartment after that.

    im a believer now!!!

  • My most memorable scary halloween was just this year October 31 , 2014. My boy friend had to fly out to go to  Washington the morning of halloween. After i left him at the airport i went home for a little bit , than i decided i would go out and play some slots. I do not like driving when it is dark so i made sure to be home before the sun went down. There was a storm coming in that night so the wind was blowing. Around 6pm a friend called and wanted me to go to the haunted house with them , I said as long as they are driving. Every year here they have a haunted house that you walk threw. It was pretty scary. After wards we got something to eat and than i had them drop me off at home. Where i live we have no street lights , no side walks , only ditches on side of road.  each property is around 3/4 of an acre , some smaller on other streets. We have motion lights along side the house all the way back around to  the garage. and 1 light that come on when it's dark on front yard couple feet from the front porch. Most of the driveway is dark until the corner of house. I usually always use the back door which comes up from driveway thur the gate to where the garage is at. It's well lite cause of the motion lights. Being at home all by my self i first checked every room in house. The wind keeped setting off  some of the motion lights  or it could of been 1 of our 2 ferral cats. lol. The dogs were acting a little weird and  they only bark when they hear someone or other dogs barking and of course i think every dog on our street was barking that night.  It was just really scary to me , i slept with some lights on and did not fall asleep until almost morning time. I probably should not of went to the haunted house , i think it just made it bad for me. Am so happy my boyfriend is back home. He called me like 4 times that night to check on me , which kinda helped.

    Thanks for contest.  smiley

  • Booooooo!!!

    Hello everyone , here me pic hallowen is me "spider-lcb"
    Here playing whit here me "tarántula " any want play whit we 2???.

  • When will the announcement?

  • This is my daughter dressed up for her witches n wizards walk for school

  • Wow, today is last day.. i almost missed.

    4. I have many scary stories from my childhood cheesy i remember i always was afraid of darkness and staying alone at home. One time i went to the basement to get some stuff ( i don't realy remember what, but my parents before leaving to work , said i have to take something for some reason..). I hate that basement, it's always dark and strange noises come from holes . One time i got stuck there, because of door, lock was broken and i have been here about 3 hours.. it was the logest hours in my life.. i saw many things, that doesn't exist. I guess i was in panic. It's very big room for little boy and i never forget that morning.. but finaly my older brother waked up and open the door, he heard me singing ( it helped me to stay calm) cheesy

    5. my scaries slot is blood suckers, maybe it's not halloween slot, but anyway it's reminds me scrary movies and books that i read.
    8. my scariest movie is "dead birds", i seen them few times in childhood and don't know  what could be more scary.
    9.favorite Halloween candy, emm simply lollipop look like skeleton head or something like that cheesy i always buy them in fair/mart, because i can't find it in ordinary store.

  • This is four of my eight Grandchildren ~> Brittany, Brooklyn, Braiden, Brenton <~
    I stay with them while their Mom is on tour ~> Brandy Wynn, violinist for BOTDF (Blood on the Dance Floor) Happy Halloween    puff~puff~pass      (o:~

  • I'm generally not a big fan of horror movies with lots of blood and gore, so I won't nominate as my favourite the one that actually scared me the most - that would be A Nightmare On Elm Street [1984], which I saw as a child - obviously a big mistake! - and caused many sleeepless nights. Instead, I'm casting my vote for The Others [2001] starring Nicole Kidman, which I watched in a cinema upon its release and really enjoyed.

    The WWII-era story revolves around a woman and her two children living in a large country manor when strange incidents start to occur. What I really liked about this film is that is has a suspenseful plot and spooky atmosphere without resorting to the usual tired gimmicks so many other examples in the genre display, e.g. excessive violence, manipulative editing, overdramatic music etc. For fans of movies like The Sixth Sense [1999], I suggest giving this one a try.

  • Hi to all!

    So, I think I begin with the most definite fact, and its my favorite Halloween slot - certainly Wild Witches! And if they throw often double-booked whole winline, I love them even more.
    My favorite recipe is certainly raw, grinded meat in any form - yes, it is nothing with halloween when it is DONE, but before, when the meat is raw only - it looks like the guts, no doubts smiley and in this state, it has definitely the highest ratio
    "price of time spent + partial prices of stuff needed"  /  " impression  ". ( cheesy )
    And my favorite halloween candy are definitely that chewing-like candys in shape of  dentures, or even only the teeth smiley I love it since of my childhood.
  • 4.i dont celebrated many halloween parties,but the most memorable story was happened at a party in a club where everyone was dressed very scary.All night i saw it only zombies,ghosts,dead people and many others creatures. favorite halloween slots are two:halloween fortune and the mummy favorite scary movie is halloween resurrection
    9.merci candies

  • 7th was the end of the game, is not it idea

  • 1.  Picture of YOUR decorated pumpkin.
    2.  Picture of YOU or family in Halloween costume
    3.  Picture of YOUR Halloween decorated house
    4.  Your scariest PERSONAL story
    5.  Your favorite Halloween Slot
    6.  Your favorite Halloween recipe
    7.  Your most memorable Halloween
    8.  Your favorite scary movie
    9.  Your favorite Halloween candy
    10.  Your superstitions

    OK meant to get this out sooner, but too much on the plate.

    #4 (might be Scarry to you....)
    Many moons ago around 12:40am, a guy and I were walking through downtown area of San Diego. Any other night the streets were lively, but not that night. This particular night was somewhat eerie. It was quiet. It was brisk. It was still. The sound of a cars tire was a rarity. As we walked he wanted to stop in and visit someone. Someone I didn't know and I barely knew him. This persons house was supposedly a short distance from a main street named Broadway. We walked with little chit chat between us. The sounds of our shoes hitting the pavement made more noise. Within the stillness I heard my name. You know me as "Poppy" he like others in San Diego know me by another name. Neither one of those names is what I heard. The name I softly heard was my real name. I stopped dead in my tracks. I looked around. Trying to see who was out there hiding in the darkness and calling me. Realizing I had stopped, the guy looks back and says " Hey, are you alright?" To which I replied " I don't know. I thought I heard something". "What?" he said. " I didn't hear anything " I shrugged my shoulders took one last look and we continued on our journey. Two blocks before Broadway I heard my name called again...and again I stopped dead in my tracks. This time I said "Did you hear that?". " Hear what?" he said " Somebody just called my name". He tells me how he didn't hear my name. How he didn't hear the nickname. I said to him, " No, that's not what they called me. They called me by my real name" He proceeds to tell me that I must be tired, that I'm hearing things etc. I continue to look around into the darkness and see no one. As we reached Broadway, we turn down the street and continue. Again, I hear my name. This time I say " Did you hear that? Did you hear it this time? I know I heard it" he says "No. There's nobody out here. You're hearing things..Come on let's go" I stood there looking and ignoring his annoyance. I looked at my watch it was now 1:10am. I hope I didn't miss the last bus I thought. I looked further down the street and saw the bus headed our way. He continued to beckon me, but instead of continuing with him I said " You know what, I think I better go in .C-ya" At that moment the bus arrived and I hopped on it. I arrived at my mother's cottage. Trying to be quiet on the way to the bathroom. I passed her bedroom and noticed she was sitting up and wide awake. I spoke and said hi. She said "How's everything? How was your night? " I said ,"Well, it was OK. ...The strangest thing happened though?". "Oh?" " Yea ,I was walking and I could of sworn I heard someone say my name.No one else could hear it. I looked but there was no one there. They didn't say Poppy or my street name they called me by my real name so I decided to turn in.". To that my mom replied, "I called you"ashe said , "You did?". " Yes," she said " I called you three times". ...

    #7.  After trick or treating my began inspecting the goods. In those days people gave fruit. Mom took a knife to the apples and we watched the poison they had placed inside in powder form spill out onto the table. She continued to disect and find unknown sliver type substance inside candy pieces. We made mental notes of what houses contained attempted murderers.

    #8 Not my favorite but it has always disturbed me "The Fly". The original b&w. version

    #9. Candy Corn
  • Contest closed on November 7th at 11:59 EST as stipulated in the rules. Any entries after the deadine do not qualify for this contest and will not be considered.

    Winners will be announced on Monday!

    Thank you for all who participated!

  • Gl to all participants , it was a nice contest.

  • Fantastic replies sooo enjoyed pics and stories! Congrats to all the winners!

    Mago666 - $10
    Missymoo - $25
    CashJo. - $10
    Pesholeti - $5
    gilajikput91 -$15
    dirkemans $15
    Rena35 - $25
    Canofham - $10
    Royalflushplease $10
    Chocolateman $10
    panettone0 - $5
    sagar19 - $5
    mrohacek - $10
    Ivan4eg88 - $10
    Kkimelwell - $10
    yapro123 - $5
    Gabi18 - $5
    orawan480 - $10
    tazdevil - $10
    oldschoolmeisje - $5
    luckyirishgirl424 - $10
    Sommi -$5
    Sirin - $10
    Tweeksta - $10
    Shirlsplay - $10
    Antoniomx - $5
    Armage - $10
    Lauralee Knight - $10
    Efti - $5
    PeDrone - $5
    johny78 - $5
    xbornluckyx - $10

    Accounts will be credited shortly

  • hi lips,

    my entry was on time so wondering why i didnt win a prize?

    my entry was at 4.31 GMT which was 11.31 EST

  • cheesy  Thank you sooooo much! Going right into my Christmas fund. 10 grandchildren to buy for not a easy thing laugh_out_loud  Every bit helps .It is so appreciated ! Congrats to all the winners , and thank you again for being so GENEROUS!  Your contests are always so fun to enter and interesting too!
  • Thanks for the great contest!

  • hi lips,

    my entry was on time so wondering why i didnt win a prize?

    my entry was at 4.31 GMT which was 11.31 EST
    Sooo sorry i missed that hun! You will be credited $10 smiley
  • @ LCB Team: Thank you very much!  smiley

    Wow a team I have never heard of that is rare wink! But what if your team break through and end up in the Bundesliga?

    Sorry for the late reply. I missed your question and just saw it.
    To answer your question: When this will happen, it would be the first real footballteam in the "Bundesliga".  wink

  • hi lips,

    my entry was on time so wondering why i didnt win a prize?

    my entry was at 4.31 GMT which was 11.31 EST
    Sooo sorry i missed that hun! You will be credited $10 smiley

    I did not won either? i was on time.
    I`m sorry i did not saw that i post less the 50 words to qualify. Next time i will be more carefull sad
  • cool
    Woot, very nice, thanks a lot Team LCB! these great contests are easy to participate in, and fun to do, and so far also very rewarding! Thanks again, and congrats to all the other winner!

    I will purchase a Neteller chip and see if i can get rich, and if i hit it really big, i'll poor some back in the community:) Just want to say, i have been "gone" for a while but i am really liking how things are  now... laugh_out_loud
  • I didn't win a prize either and mine was one of the first entries and there were less than half the winners of prizes available? was it not worth at least 5 bucks?

  • I didn't win a prize either and mine was one of the first entries and there were less than half the winners of prizes available? was it not worth at least 5 bucks?

    Everyone who entered and met the requirements gets rewarded so this again was a name overlooked by me while going through pages of stories etc. You will be credited $10.

  • I didn't win a prize either and mine was one of the first entries and there were less than half the winners of prizes available? was it not worth at least 5 bucks?

    Everyone who entered and met the requirements gets rewarded so this again was a name overlooked by me while going through pages of stories etc. You will be credited $10.

    I forgive ya lips! Love LCB thanks for another fantastic contest! cheesy
  • Sooo sorry i missed that hun! You will be credited $10 smiley
    thanks for that lips  smiley
  • Thank you for the GREAT CONTEST, the fast WINNERS LIST and for the WINNINGS! Keep up the good work and hope that "more to come" is in order.

  • all credited. if we missed anyone please let us know

  • Congrats to all the winners!!!  money

  • Thanks LCB! It was another yet great contest and it was a fun time and little, but valuable prize! It's very pleasure smiley

  • Thanks to all moneyrecived great contest indeed and congrats to all winners! LCB Rocks!! cool

  • Thank you so much for the win! I really enjoy these contests. Its nice to be able to get to know people that you pretty much "see" everyday and don't really know who they are. It was nice to see some pictures of peoples kids also.
    Congrats to everyone and thank you again LCB for such a fun contest! Cant wait to see what cool contest you have in store for us next month!

  • Another great contest by LCB...
    Congratulations to all the winners..
    And yes lcb coins credited. Thank you....

  • Congrats to all the winners!

  • I didn't win a prize either and mine was one of the first entries and there were less than half the winners of prizes available? was it not worth at least 5 bucks?

    Everyone who entered and met the requirements gets rewarded so this again was a name overlooked by me while going through pages of stories etc. You will be credited $10.


    Just wondering how my entry didn't qualify?

  • You will be credited $10 pokergranni! Sorry I missed your post too!

  • You will be credited $10 pokergranni! Sorry I missed your post too!

    Thank-you and no harm, no foul!  Thank-you for a great contest and I am looking forward to the next one!

  • Pokergranni - credited smiley

  • Congrats to all the winners! smiley

  • Pokergranni - credited smiley

    Thank-you!  It has not been posted in my paypal account yet.
  • i have no credits become  woo

  • i have no credits become  woo

    Your $5 was credited  4 days ago

  • i have no credits become  woo

    Your $5 was credited  4 days ago

    oh really? I´m sorry, then I want to have said nothing! wink

    can I see  somewhere, how many credits I have become for anything? so I mine an credits history?
    I hope I have written now also thus you can understand me mine in English is not so really good i´m sorry =)

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