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Bitcoin is een uniek betalingssysteem, vanwege het feit, dat het door haar gebruikers zelf in stand gehouden wordt, en dan zonder enige overkoepelende autoriteit of andere noodzakelijke tussenpersonen. Het zijn dus de gebruikers zelf - die mondiaal vertegenwoordigd zijn - die het systeem onder controle hebben. Dit concept, wat bekend staat als crypto-currency werd het eerst gebruikt met de Bitcoin, zoals beschreven in 1998 door Wei Dai. Toch duurde het tot 2009, voordat de Bitcoin specificaties officieel werden gepubliceerd in een cryptografische mailinglijst.

Niemand is dus eigenaar van het Bitcoin netwerk. Klinkt dit verwarrend? De beste manier om goed te begrijpen hoe dit werkt, is om het te vergelijken met de technologie die voor e-mails wordt gebruikt. Ook die technologie staat het gebruikers in principe toe om de service naar believen te gebruiken, op elk gewenst tijdstip, zonder daarbij echte controle van een overkoepelende instantie te hebben - en ook dit geldt op een wereldwijde schaal. Net als met Bitcoin, zijn ontwikkelaars continu bezig met het verbeteren en versoepelen van het proces zelf, maar het staat de eindgebruiker toch altijd vrij om te kiezen welke cliënt, e-mail provider of software ze ervoor gebruiken. Gebruikers van Bitcoin kunnen kiezen of ze hun Bitcoins door een mobiele app ontvangen, of via een computerprogramma op hun PC, met behulp van een persoonlijke ‘Bitcoin wallet’, wat letterlijk staat voor portemonnee.

Er wordt een publiekelijk logboek bijgehouden met de naam ‘block chain’ waarin elke transactie die ooit gedaan is, opgenomen wordt, en met behulp waarvan je altijd elke transactie kunt verifiëren, en ook de authenticiteit van die transactie kunt valideren. Alle transacties worden beschermd middels een digitale handtekening, die overeenkomt met het adres van de gebruiker. Tegenwoordig wordt Bitcoin op grote schaal gebruikt door zowel particulieren alsook de grote bedrijven, en de groei in de laatste jaren was exponentieel, want er worden nu op dagelijkse basis transacties gedaan van in totaal meerdere miljoenen Euro’s.


Het gebruiken van Bitcoin als betaalmiddel is veel makkelijker dan de meeste mensen denken, en bijvoorbeeld veel eenvoudiger als het gebruik van debit cards of credit cards. Je hebt er ook geen zakelijke account voor nodig. Je kunt eenvoudig betalingen doen, aan allerhande services, via je computer of een smartphone applicatie.

Als je eenmaal een wallet hebt geïnstalleerd op je PC of mobiel, dan krijg je automatisch een uniek Bitcoin Adres, wat altijd nog uitgebreid kan worden naar meer, indien nodig. Zo kun je bijvoorbeeld je Adres delen met vrienden, en betalingen en transacties voor ze doen en ontvangen.

Geld kan zo dus overal ter wereld instant worden verzonden en ontvangen, zonder daarbij gestoord te hoeven worden door wettelijke feestdagen, weekend regelingen, nationale grenzen, of bepaalde transactie limieten. Er zijn in principe geen extra kosten aan verbonden, of anders zijn dat hele lage kosten. De enige extra kosten die kunnen voorkomen zijn bijvoorbeeld spoedbetalingen of betalingen met hoge prioriteit, waarbij het netwerk dan sneller bevestiging geeft.

Alle transacties zijn beveiligd en ook onomkeerbaar, waardoor niet alleen jij, en je gevoelige data beschermd worden, maar ook de webwinkels en services waarvan je gebruik maakt: er kunnen zo immers weinig tot geen frauduleuze activiteiten ondernomen worden, zoals ‘chargebacks’ en meer van dien aard. Elke transactie zit gekoppeld aan de persoonlijke informatie van de gebruiker, waardoor er vrijwel nooit sprake kan zijn van identiteitsdiefstal.


De software is in een staat van voortdurende ontwikkeling en verbetering, en er komen steeds meer functies bij, zoals nieuwe tools en services. Dus in feite maak je gebruik van een soort eeuwige bètaversie. Je kunt ook nog niet overal betalen met je Bitcoin.

Hoe je Bitcoins aanschaft

Als je uit de USA komt is het vrij eenvoudig om je lokale munteenheid in te wisselen voor Bitcoins. accepteert nu namelijk betalingen van diverse banken in de Verenigde Staten, en accepteert ook de bijbehorende credit cards, zodat het omzetten van je Dollars naar Bitcoin erg makkelijk wordt. Coinbase doet in principe hetzelfde, met uitzondering van de credit cards dan: hier kun je alleen je bankrekening gebruiken voor het kopen van Bitcoins.

Voor alle andere Landen zijn er meerdere betrouwbare opties om Bitcoins aan te schaffen, en daar komen ook regelmatig nieuwe opties bij: je kunt hierover meer lezen door hier te klikken. Een alternatief is het kopen van Bitcoins van andere individuen op lokale basis, en dat kan op de site

Zodra je eenmaal je eerste Bitcoins in bezit hebt, kun je meteen beginnen met het spelen in een van de vele Casino’s die Bitcoin accepteren, en die kun je vinden in de lijst hieronder.

Aanverwante Artikelen


Bitcoin betaalmethode - kosten en feiten
Bitcoin is populair in deze landen United Arab Emirates, Argentina, Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Spain, Finland, France, United Kingdom, India, Iran, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, Norway, New Zealand, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, Singapore, Slovakia, Thailand, United States, South Africa
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Online Casino's
accepteert Bitcoin

Bonussen voor Stortingen met Bitcoin

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Bonus code: LIMITLESS

Sign Up Bonus - Crypto
1x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Bitcoin Uitsluitend voor stortingen via Bitcoin
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. 200% Bonus (75% on Credit Card). Min deposit: $20. No Max Cashout. Allowed games: NP Slots, Keno & Video Poker. Max bet per hand: $10.
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • A++ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • E- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

4.5 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward


Bonus code: LCB44

No Deposit - Exclusive
44xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+ US OK! Amount: $44. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK and redeem the bonus code in the Cashier menu. Max cashout: $50. Allowed games: Non-Progressive slot and Keno game. Once credited when does the bonus expire: 7 days. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses: NO. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: 20$. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: Yes. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Both. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Promo offer expires: Until further notice.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. 
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • A++ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • E- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

4.1 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward

250% up to $250

Bonus code: MATCH250LCBN

Sign Up Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
25xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US & Non US OK. How to claim: Sign up from our LINK - make your first deposit of $25 or more and use bonus code shown below to claim.25x the bonus and 0 x deposit. Players from Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Hungary, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Tanzania and UK need to wager 50x bonus. Bonus expires: Until further notice. 
  • C- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • A++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • E- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

4 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward
Slotland 09/08/16


Bonus code: FREE68LCBN

No Deposit Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
25xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. Amount: $68. Max cashout:$100. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots 100%; Video Poker 20%; Keno counts 50%; Roulette1%. Once credited when does the bonus expire: after 30 days. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Bonus expires: Until further notice. Restricted countries at the casino: Australia, Belarus, China, Czech Republic, France, India, Indonesia, Kazakstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Viet Nam. (Wagering requirements for the players from AR, AZ, BD, BR, HU, PO, RO, RU, SA, and TZ are multiplied by 5x).
  • A++ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • A++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • C- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

4 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward


Bonus code: READY30

No Deposit
53xb - Laagste DV
New customers only. T&C's apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. The wagering requirements for Free Chip are 53x, allowing to cash out $60. Applies to all games except titles by Dragon game provider, All Roulette Games, Ride'em Poker, Baccarat, Pai Gow, Craps, Caribbean Poker, Top Card Trumps (Casino War), Draw High Low, Pontoon 21, Pirate 21, Red Dog, Oasis Poker.
  • D++ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • E++ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

4 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward


Bonus code: LCB18

No Deposit Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
40xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New players only - US OK. The list of restricted countries for this exclusive has been updated: Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Georgia, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine. Max cashout = $150. ALLOWED games: Slots only (no progressives). Minimum deposit is needed in order to cash out winnings. You will also need to validate your email address, validate your email by clicking on the link in the 'Welcome eMail' you receive when you register.
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.9 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward

40 Spins

Bonus code: KFP212

No Deposit - Casino Spins
40xb - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. 40 free spins on Kung Food Panda. Maximum cashout: $150. Valid until March 5th, 2025.
  • A++ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.9 / 5 Beoordeling


Bonus code: LCBLI18

No Deposit Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
40xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New players only - US OK. How to claim: Clear your PC's cookies and cache first and then sign up from our LINK and use the bonus code shown below to claim the no deposit. You will also need to validate your email address, validate your email by clicking on the link in the 'Welcome eMail' you receive when you register. Max cashout = $150. Minimum $25 deposit is needed in order to cash out winnings. Restricted countries:Australia, Canada, Denmark, Israel, United Kingdom, Greece, Ireland, India, Lebanon, Romania, Poland, Russia, Bulgaria, Sweden, Italy, Ukraine, Netherlands,Finland.
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.9 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward


Bonus code: RS15

No Deposit Bonus - Exclusive
40xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Amount $15. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK and once registered go to Cashier - click on 'Instant Coupon', type in the bonus code and click Validate. Max cashout: $150. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: Yes. Restricted Countries from this bonus: India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Russia and Ukraine. Restricted games: Roulette, Craps or Baccarat games.
  • A++ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.9 / 5 Beoordeling


Bonus code: LCB40

No Deposit - Exclusive
50xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. USA OK! How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and use the bonus code in cashier upon registration and email verification. Max cashout: $50. Restricted games: Table Games, Roulette. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots, Keno, Bingo, Scratch Cards - 100%. Max bet for the bonus: $10. Cashable bonus: Yes. Promo offer valid: Until further notice. The minimum deposit needed in order to verify a payment method: $50. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: Yes. Is the No deposit available on download or instant play version: Instant. 
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.9 / 5 Beoordeling


Bonus code: DRIVE

No Deposit Bonus
53xb - Laagste DV
New players only. T&Cs apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. $30 Free Chip. Players need to sign up from our link, activate bonus code in profile (email should be verified). Maximum cashout: $60. Restricted games: No. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses: no restrictions.
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • E- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.9 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward


Bonus code: WONDERCHIP

No Deposit Bonus
53xb - Laagste DV
New players only. T&Cs apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. $30 Free Chip. Players need to sign up from our link, activate bonus code in profile (email should be verified). Maximum cashout: $60. Restricted games: No. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses: no restrictions.
  • D++ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • E- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.9 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward


Bonus code: LCB77

No Deposit - EXCLUSIVE
45xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply.18+.How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK and redeem the code in the cashier. Bonus code: LCB77. Max cashout: $/€100. Allowed countries: US, Canada, New Zealand, Italy, Finland, Germany and Norway. Allowed games: Slots (no progressives only). Once credited when does the bonus expire: 7 days. Promo offer expires: Until further notice. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses: $/€10. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: $/€10. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. 
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • A++ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • E- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.8 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward

300% up to $3000

Sign Up Bonus
35x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Bitcoin Uitsluitend voor stortingen via Bitcoin
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. 250% bonus on first deposit plus 50% for crypto deposits. Valid for slots.  Min deposit $25 ( Neosurf $10+). Max cashout: 20x.
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.8 / 5 Beoordeling


Bonus code: LCB40

No Deposit - Exclusive
50xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. USA OK! How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and use the bonus code in cashier upon registration and email verification. Max cashout: $50. Restricted games: Table Games, Roulette. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots, Keno, Bingo, Scratch Cards - 100%. Max bet for the bonus: $10. Cashable bonus: Yes. Promo offer valid: Until further notice. Minimum deposit needed in order to verify a payment method: $50. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: Yes. Is the No deposit available on download or instant play version: Instant.
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • E- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.8 / 5 Beoordeling

100 Spins

Bonus code: LCB100

No Deposit Bonus - Exclusive
30xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. US OK! Allowed countries for the bonus: USA, Italy, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden and Canada (excluding Ontario). 100 Free Spins on Cash Bandits 3.How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK, and enter the bonus code in the Cashier/Coupons section. The no deposit bonus will be added automatically. Max Cashout: $100. Allowed games for this promotion: Keno, Non Progressive Slots (Excluding RTG777) and Video Poker. All other games are restricted. Once credited when does the bonus expire: 7 days. Promo offer valid: Until further notice. If free spins what is the allowed max bet per spin?: Fixed at $0.25 per spin. Max bet per spin is $10. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses?: Max bet $10. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: Yes. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Available on any platform. Is No Deposit available on mobile: Yes. 
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • A++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • A++ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • E- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.8 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward

125% up to $1250 + 25 Spins

Bonus code: 2025BONUS-1

Sign Up Bonus
30x(b+d) - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. PLUS 25 Free Spins on God of Wealth. Minimum deposit: $25. ALL deposit bonuses at Sloto'Cash Casino hold NO MAX CASHOUT. Second Bonus: 225% Match up to $2250 + 25 Free Spins, Bonus Code: 2025BONUS-2. 125 Free chip. Bonus Code: 2025BONUS-3.
  • A++ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • C- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.7 / 5 Beoordeling

Uptown Aces 11/08/14


Bonus code: LCBUPTOWN25

No Deposit Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
60xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. How to claim the bonus: Players must sign up from our LINK, go to the Cashier, click on Coupons, and redeem the coupon code shown below. Max cashout: $180. Promo offer expires: Until further notice. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes
  • A++ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • C- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.7 / 5 Beoordeling


30% Cashback

Bonus code: 300BTC

Cashback Bonus
1xd - Laagste DV
Bitcoin Uitsluitend voor stortingen via Bitcoin
Get a guarantee of up to 30% on all your deposits during the promotion period. The next day you get cash right back into your account. Max Cashout: 10x cashback amount. 
  • B-- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • F- Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.6 / 5 Beoordeling

320% up to $2000

Bonus code: LCB320LIVE

Sign Up Bonus - Live Dealer Exclusive
50x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. 320% up to $2000. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, make a minimum deposit and redeem the bonus code. Minimum deposit: $25. No max cashout. Restricted games: Baccarat, Craps, European Roulette, and the following slots: Chilli Pop, The Golden Owl of Athena, Legend of the Nile, Ogre Empire, Reels of Wealth, Sin City Nights, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Max allowed bet: No restriction. Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo expires: Until further notice. Restricted countries from the bonus: Armenia, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Nigeria, Lebanon, Lithuania, Pakistan, Poland, Sweden, Romania, Ukraine and the Russian Federation.

  • B+ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.6 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward


No Deposit
60xb - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. Canadian customers must be 19+ to participate. Play Responsibly. Max cashout: $50. Withdrawals from free-bonus promotions of $25 to $50 are only processed when a copy of a utility bill is received, matching the address registered on your Desert Nights account.  How to get your bonus? Sign Up then Visit the "Promotions" section of your account to claim your free sign up bonus.
  • C- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.6 / 5 Beoordeling

275% up to $2000

Bonus code: LCBLIVE275

Sign Up Bonus - Live Dealer Exclusive
50x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. 275% up to $2000. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, make a minimum deposit and redeem the bonus code. Minimum deposit: $25. No max cashout. Restricted games: Baccarat, Craps, European Roulette, and the following slots: Chilli Pop, The Golden Owl of Athena, Legend of the Nile, Ogre Empire, Reels of Wealth, Sin City Nights, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde. Max allowed bet: $10. Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo expires: Until further notice. Restricted countries from the bonus: Armenia, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Nigeria, Lebanon, Lithuania, Pakistan, Poland, Sweden, Romania, Ukraine and Russian Federation.


  • B+ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • E- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.6 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward

150% up to $1500

Sign Up - Bitcoin
10x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Bitcoin Uitsluitend voor stortingen via Bitcoin
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. A minimum deposit of $20 is required to be eligible for the Welcome Bonuses.
  • A++ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • A++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • C- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • A- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.6 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward

177% up to $500

Bonus code: MATCH177LCBN

Sign Up Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
35xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. USD CURRENCY IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR DEPOSITS AND WITHDRAWALS, only crypto. How to claim: Players need to sign up from our LINK - use bonus code to claim. All deposits in cryptocurrencies are automatically converted for play in USD. Wagering requirements: 35xb. Max cashout: $5,000. All games allowed, except the Jackpot Trigger. Different games played contribute different percentages towards fulfilling bonus wagering requirements. Valid: Until further notice.
  • C- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • B++ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • C- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.6 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward 01/08/13

200% up to $3000 + 30 Spins

Sign Up Bonus - Bitcoin
35x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Bitcoin Uitsluitend voor stortingen via Bitcoin
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New customers only. T&C apply. 19+. Crypto Only. PLUS 30 Free Spins on Golden Buffalo. Min Deposit 20€. Cashable Bonus.

  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • A- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.5 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward

Up to $6000

Bonus code: ROYAL

Sign Up Bonus
35x(b+d) - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. Valid twice for New Players on slots+cards, 300% Match for crypto deposits (up to $6000 Bonus if used twice), or 250% Match for other deposits; pt x35, max cashout x25 the deposit amount.
  • C- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • E- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.5 / 5 Beoordeling


Bonus code: LCBFG15

No Deposit - Exclusive Bonus
60xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Max cashout: $180. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, Once credited when does the bonus expire: one month. Promo offer expires: Until further notice. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses: $10. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: instant play version. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Restricted games: Wagering on all types of Blackjack, Video Poker, Craps, American Roulette, Baccarat and other table games and non-pokies games, will not count towards wagering requirement. Is the bonus cashable: Yes,
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • B++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.5 / 5 Beoordeling


Bonus code: LCBONUS20

No Deposit Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
60xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, go to cashier and enter the bonus code. Max cashout: $180. Restricted games: Black jack, Video Poker, Craps, American Roulette, Baccarat, Table games. Promo offer expires: Until further notice. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses: $10. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Is the bonus cashable: No. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Restricted Countries from this bonus: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan.
  • A++ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • B++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.5 / 5 Beoordeling

500% up to $1250

Bonus code: BLB20

Sign Up Bonus
45x(b+d) - Laagste DV
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Plus 20 free chip. Min deposit $25. Maximum cash out is 20 times the deposit amount. 
  • B-- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F-- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.4 / 5 Beoordeling

300% up to $300 + 100 Spins

Bonus code: LCBC300

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
30x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.  300% up to $300 plus 100 free spins on Wheel of Spin - Quick Spin! How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up from our LINK and redeem the bonus code shown below in the cashier.Minimum deposit: $20.No Max Cashout. WR for Free Spins: 40x. Restricted games: Roulette and Baccarat.Available on mobile: Yes. Valid until: Until further notice. Restricted countries from the bonus: Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Mauritius, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, The Netherlands.
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C- Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.4 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward
Slots Plus 09/08/16

400% up to $500

Bonus code: SIW25

Sign Up Bonus
50x(b+d) - Laagste DV
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Plus 25 free chip. Min deposit $25. Max cashout $2,000. 
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F-- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

100% up to $1000

Bonus code: LCBONUS

Sign Up Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
40x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. USA and Canada only. Claim up to 11 times. Can be used one time per day. Maximum cash out up to $2,000. If playing Multi hand Video Poker, Blackjack, 21 Games or Video Poker wagering requirements increase to 90 times your deposit plus bonus. Wagers in Live Dealer Games, Craps, Vegas Three Card Rummy, Tri Card Poker, Caribbean Hold’em, Baccarat, Roulette or SicBo or Progressives games cannot be applied to the wager requirements.
  • A++ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F-- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

400% up to $500 + 25 Spins

Bonus code: NYG25

Sign Up Bonus
50x(b+d) - Laagste DV
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Plus 25 free spins. Min deposit $25.
  • A++ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • E- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F-- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

150% up to $150

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
25x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer.  T&C’s Apply. 19+. US OK! How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK,  make at least a minimum deposit, go to cashier/ promotions, and simply claim the bonus. Minimum deposit: $10. Max cashout: No. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: All Slots: 100%; All Roulettes, Caribbean Stud, Texas Hold'em and ThreeCard Poker, Sicbo, Red Dog, Keno and Casino War: 50%; Baccarat, Craps and Paigow poker: 25%; Blackjack 10%; All video and multi-hand pokers 5%. Restricted Games: No. Max bet for the bonus: $20. Cashable bonus: Yes. Sticky Bonus: Yes. Is the offer available on download &/or instant play version: Instant Play.
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • A++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • A- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling



Sign Up Bonus
35xb - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. Canadian customers must be 19+ to participate. Play Responsibly. 250% Match Bonus, get 310% in case of depositing with cryptocurrencies. Valid twice for New players only, PTX35, max cashout X35 the deposit amount, the minimum deposit is $25. Play and get 100% cashback. The code is applicable to Slot, Card and Table games.
  • C- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • E- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

400% up to $500 + 15 Spins

Bonus code: CCC25

Sign Up Bonus
50x(b+d) - Laagste DV
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Plus $15 free spins. Min deposit $25. Max cashout $2,000. 
  • A++ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • E- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F-- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

EmuCasino 08/11/12

100% up to ₿0.005

Sign Up Bonus - Bitcoin
45x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Bitcoin Uitsluitend voor stortingen via Bitcoin
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit: ₿0.0005. Maximum bet size: ₿0.0007. Wagering requirements can be fulfilled on all pokies/slot games excluding jackpots and selected games (Booming Games, Wazdan).
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • B-- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

65 Spins

Bonus code: 60LCB

No Deposit - Casino Spins - Exclusive
60xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. US OK! 65 Free Spins on Queen of Aces. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and enter the bonus code shown below.  The bonus can be claimed 2 ways, it can be claimed after registration, the bonus will appear on the hero banner of the casino with the button "claim now" or via the cashier under the bonus tab.The free spins will be added automatcally. Max cashout: $100. Need to make a deposit in order to verify a payment: Yes - $20. If free spins what is the allowed max bet per spin? 0.15. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses? No max bet. Exclusive promo expires: Until 30 June, 2025.
  • B-- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • A++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F-- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

  • B+ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • E++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward

50 Spins

Bonus code: LCB_FS50

Casino Spins - Exclusive
30xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. USA OK! 50 Free Spins on 'Burning Chilli X', 'Fruit Million', 'Gold Rush With Johnny Cash'. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK, and input the promo code before making a deposit. Bonus code: LCB_FS50. Max cashout: $50. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses? - $5. Allowed games: Slots, Video Poker. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: 100% Slots, 20% Video Poker, 0% All other games bets toward wagering. Minimum deposit needed in order to verify a payment method: Yes - $10. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Once credited when does the bonus expire: 7 days. Promo offer valid: Until further notice. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. Is the no deposit available on download or instant play version: Instant play version only. Is the no deposit available on mobile: Yes. Restricted countries for the bonus: Visit site for list.
  • B-- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • A++ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • E- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling


Bonus code: SPELL250

Sign Up Bonus
40x(b+d) - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit: $25. SPELL250 and SPELL300 codes are valid once for new players on slots and specialty games only, PT x40, no maximum cash-out. SPELL300 can be claimed only after playing with SPELL250 code.
  • C- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • E- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

Casino Max 09/07/17

300% up to $3000

Sign up Bonus - Crypto
50x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Bitcoin Uitsluitend voor stortingen via Bitcoin
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 21+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 21+. Min Deposit: $10.  Max bet: $10. No max cashout.
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • D++ Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward


Bonus code: LCB55

No Deposit - Exclusive Bonus
50xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply.18+. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and redeem the bonus code shown below in the Cashier. The bonus will be added automatically. Max cashout: $100. Allowed games: Slots, Keno and Scratch Cards. Promo offer valid: Until further notice. Once credited when does the bonus expire: In 48 hours. All bets must be below $5. Minimum deposit needed to cashout the winnings: You will need to make the min deposit depending on your payment method. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Download and Instant Version. Is the ND available on mobile: Yes. Restricted countries from this bonus: Albania, Armenia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Indonesia, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Ukraine.
  • B-- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • E++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • B-- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward

400% up to $500

Bonus code: INFINITY3

Sign Up Bonus - Bitcoin
45x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Bitcoin Uitsluitend voor stortingen via Bitcoin
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Redeemable 1 time only. Minimum deposit: $25. Max bet: $10. Bonus will automatically be removed at the point of requesting a withdrawal.
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • E++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F++ Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward

505% up to ∞ + 55 Spins

Bonus code: GOLOKO

Sign Up Bonus
30x(b+d) - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Min deposit: $20, 13x max cashout, 1x redemption per week.  Deposit with Litecoin and get : A 550% Bonus + 75 Free Spins.
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • A++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • D Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • E- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

iNetBet 09/08/16

100% up to $500

Bonus code: 100GAME

Sign Up Bonus
25x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Bitcoin Uitsluitend voor stortingen via Bitcoin
T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. Max Coupon Amount: $600.00 Max bet; $5.
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • D++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • E- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • E- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.2 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward
Super Slots 24/08/11

400% up to $4000

Bonus code: CRYPTO400

Sign Up Bonus - Cryptocurrency
48x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Bitcoin Uitsluitend voor stortingen via Bitcoin
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit: 20 $. This bonus is not valid in the Live Dealer Casino. Max win cap multiplier is 10x with a max win cap of $10,000. Bonus will only be available for 30 days after redemption.
  • B-- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • A++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • B-- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.2 / 5 Beoordeling

200% up to €/$3000

Sign Up Bonus
35x(b+d) - Laagste DV
 New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. Min deposit: 25 €. Max Cashout: 10xdeposit. Only valid for Video slots and 3 Reel slots.
  • A++ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • F- Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • F- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.2 / 5 Beoordeling

250% up to $1500 + 50 Spins

Bonus code: WELCOME2LCB

Sign Up Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
75x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. New players only – US OK! Plus 50 free spins. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK, go to cashier, make a minimum deposit of $25 and enter the coupon code. Minimum deposit: $25. Max cashout: No. WR: 75xbxd for the deposit, 60xb for the free spins. Exclusive promo valid:  Until further notice.
  • A- Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • F+ Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • C- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.2 / 5 Beoordeling

Slotastic 03/02/16


Bonus code: LCB30FREE

No Deposit Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
60xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US OK. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and use the bonus code shown below. The bonus will be added automatically. Allowed games: Slots, Scratch Cards, Keno. Promo offer expires: until further notice. Maximum cashout = $180. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. Restricted countries from this bonus: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Malaysia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Ontario.
  • A++ Minimale stortingscriterium
  • C++ Criterium uitbetalingslimiet
  • E- Criterium uitbetalingstijden
  • C- Minimale uitbetalingscriterium

3.2 / 5 Beoordeling

  • $3 Reward
Meer Laden Alles Laden resterende casino's: 82
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Voorbeeld:de inzetvereiste is 20x

Een inzetvereiste van 20x betekent dat je het geld 20 keer moet rondspelen voordat je eventuele winsten kunt laten uitbetalen.
Promotie: 100% tot €100 met een inzetvereiste van 20x.
Voorbeeld bonusgeld: Stort €50 en krijg €50 bonusgeld. De rondspeelverplichting is het bonusgeld vermenigvuldigd met 20 (€50 x 20 = €1.000).
Voorbeeld stortingsbedrag + bonusgeld: Stort €50 en krijg €50 bonusgeld. De rondspeelverplichting is het stortingsbedrag + het bonusgeld vermenigvuldigd met 20 (€50 + €50 x 20 = €2.000).

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Gebruik onze Calculator voor de inzetvereisten om de inzetvereiste voor je bonus te berekenen.

Voorbeeld:de inzetvereiste is 20x

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Promotie: 100% tot €100 met een inzetvereiste van 20x.
Voorbeeld bonusgeld: Stort €50 en krijg €50 bonusgeld. De rondspeelverplichting is het bonusgeld vermenigvuldigd met 20 (€50 x 20 = €1.000).
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Calculator voor de inzetvereisten
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