November is the month for Thanksgiving and a big celebrated holiday in the US. It is a time to give thanks, something all our international members can participate in too!
Expressing our feelings isn’t always an easy thing to do especially when it comes directly from the heart. Maybe there is someone very special that you’ve never really told them how thankful you are for either something they did or simply to have them in your life. It could be your secret admirer, friend, mom, dad, sibling, neighbor, co-worker or even a LCB member.
Or maybe you're thankful for good health, home, job etc.
Tell us about that important person or thing in your life you are thankful for and why. We are NOT looking for generic one or two sentence posts either!
For Thanksgiving or Christmas a great gift idea would be to copy your post and place it in a card or on pretty paper, frame it and give it to that special someone or if it is something put it on your wall as a constant reminder.
Please note all posts including pictures must be ORGINAL content. No copying from any outside sources.
There is $500 in LCB Shop Cash up for grabs. Use your LCB Cash to purchase items in the LCB Shop exclusively.
LCB Shop Cash Prizes:
2 - $25 winners
2 - $15 winners
21 - $10 winners
42 - $5 winners
That adds up to a 67 winning LCB members! Winners will be determined by the LCB team.
To access your LCB Shop Cash find the drop down menu under your name in the top left corner above the header and click “Redeem Credits”. Purchase gifts in our shop with your LCB Shop Cash. It’s as easy as that!
1. Only ONE entry is allowed per member with a minimum post of 50 words expressing thanks for someone or something special in your life.
2. To qualify for this contest you must be a member for at least one month. In this case only members that have joined on or before October 12th, 2014 are eligible.
3. Any member having more than one account to enter contest will be disqualified.
4. Contest period ends on Wednesday December 3rd, 2014 at 11:59 EST.
5. LCB has the right to end this contest at any time and void all wins should any unforeseen issues arise or abuse is indicated.
6. LCB Cash can ONLY be redeemed in the LCB Shop.
7. Prize money can be redeemed immediately or can be accumulated to save for bigger prizes.
Winners will be announced shortly after end of the contest.
Good luck!
GESLOTEN - LCB Thanksgiving 2014-wedstrijd november

- Gestart door
- Lipstick
Almachtige 13901
- laatste activiteit 1 maand geleden
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- Gestart door
- Lipstick
- op Nov 12, 14, 09:19:45 AM
Almachtige 13901
- laatste activiteit 1 maand geleden
- Beantwoord door
- tenho7
- op Nov 12, 14, 09:32:02 AM
Machtige 3228
- laatste activiteit 3 jaar geleden
Great contest there Lips. Shame i missed the halloween contest..
However here it goes.
I'm very thankful for my family, especially my mom, who have been very helpful on these difficult times with all the health/mental health problems and have been very helpful with all my kids, wouldn't be here withour herAlso i would like to thank all LCB team and members for all the hard work and kind words from past all these years.
Happy early thanksgiving every1 -
- Beantwoord door
- helena_kp
- op Nov 12, 14, 12:25:51 PM
Superheld 1681
- laatste activiteit 8 uur geleden
My story is a little personal,but knowing how many couples has gone through the same thing i will share it
.Since i was dating my hubby ,my dream was to marry him and have a child with him.So the first dream came true we got married but having a child,it took me 5 long years to have a child.The time was passing by and i couldnt stay pregnant ,the Dr.were telling me that everything will be ok i just have to wait ,till that happened.After the 5 year long, hard period for me i said ,if i dont have a child i will adopt one.But after exactly 1 month the miracle happened i was pregnant
and that happened around Christmas time ,my Orthodox Christmas which is on 7th January.So I am thankful to God,that he made me a parent and to my little son ,who is 8 years old now,for all the lovely and happy moments he has given to us!
- Beantwoord door
- CashJo.
- op Nov 12, 14, 01:03:46 PM
Seniorlid 461
- laatste activiteit 9 maanden geleden
I don't consider been thankful for my society status, health, home etc. is something to be thankful for because some is ambition, some is patients, and some is dumb luck... Health is something because it's still there (sometimes) and is the general thing to be thankful for.
But personally I am thankful for the MISTAKES I made, that didn't messed me up so bad that I would be, let's put it like a burden for the society! My mistakes are my own and they made me the man I am today... (not to be overly narcissistic). I admit that those were made by stupid decisions and that they could have been avoided but well...
And I am thankful for my friends and family who stood by me to make them and hopping that they will still "stay" with me for not to many ahead. -
- Beantwoord door
- Oldschoolmeisje
- op Nov 12, 14, 06:27:31 PM
Machtige 3159
- laatste activiteit 2 maanden geleden
I am grateful for the fact that I have very often been ill in spite of I still life courage has. I can still laugh. I am not left myself thankfully for it my forces and I am a warrior. moreover, I am grateful for it I though a few, however, for it those of all best ones makes friends in the world has. everybody away with me go all the same like stony and hard he is.moreover, I am grateful for it other lcb user are so lenient and do not hunt me because of my bad in English linguistic proficiency to the devil :'X
- Beantwoord door
- residenceNelis
- op Nov 13, 14, 08:43:08 AM
Seniorlid 408
- laatste activiteit 5 dagen geleden
Nice contest! I'm proud and very happy with my girlfriend! she's took me to a very bad time some months ago! i had a awesome job as an conceptioner (bakery) i worked there and 1 day from the week i went to school to learn from books, and bake other things, it was a good time. but since my colleague's are such bad people, i was the person who always need to clean up the dirty work, i mean sometimes it has to been done but not always by me, but after that i was always the one who get home at last, always shouting at me that i need to work harder and harder, well i worked so hard no one could believe it, the way it goes there. and lot's of bad things happened there, it was always my fault, back in april this year the bomb exploded i was so so done with that job. i mean i just got my diploma and worked hard for it, so back to april they told me i was 1 day off because i got special things to do, and guess what the day before i got free the told me you need to work tomorrow bla bla bla, and telling me if you don't appear here you can leave, well i worked so many times on my days that i was normally off, and other people where a day off then and i could work so bad! well back to april 26th i was exploding i was crying and so angry when i came home! everything explained at home because i was not a person who talked a lot about it, but then it all came out, well from then i directly quit there! without saying goodbye to my colleague's i didn't care about it, after 6months home with lots of bad feelings, suicidal thinking's and always thought my life isn't worth anything! and lots of visit's to psychologist, it went bit better sometimes but got worser and worser, but since my girlfriend was like 5 days a week with me, she talked a lot too me, and helped my searching a new job, she gave me so much love and still she doe's! she's an amazing girl and helped me out of my black period! i'm super happy with her, i'm having a job now since 1 week ago thanks to her she found it, and we where working on it both, and i got the job! i'm so happy guys! it's really good to work in a nice company now the people there are so so awesome! and it helps me a lot! but this post is really for my girlfriend she's like my angel! if i could win some money from this contest i would buy her a very nice gift! thanks guys;)
- Beantwoord door
- Lipstick
- op Nov 13, 14, 09:49:28 AM
Almachtige 13901
- laatste activiteit 1 maand geleden
Ahhhh your stories are so touching ty for sharing your personal moments i really enjoy and appreciate them.
- Beantwoord door
- residenceNelis
- op Nov 13, 14, 11:47:46 AM
Seniorlid 408
- laatste activiteit 5 dagen geleden
- Beantwoord door
- bigdk1888
- op Nov 13, 14, 07:30:19 PM
Superheld 1787
- laatste activiteit 1 jaar geleden
I'm thankful for my sons and family,my health,my job which I have gotten just before xmas!
I'm also thankful to have a roof over my head,food in my stomach and to have friends who I can speak to when times get tough! I'm also thankful that my son who was premature is a healthy happy young boy now! So proud of him. We all may go on about how unlucky we are on slots but at least we aren't unlucky in life! Things could be much worse folks! Happy Thanksgiving!!
- Beantwoord door
- missymoo
- op Nov 14, 14, 07:43:01 AM
Seniorlid 310
- laatste activiteit 6 jaar geleden
I am Thankful for each and every day I wake up and am able to enjoy my kids and grand kids . I have 4 children and am thankful that we never got a call from jail ,no drug or alcohol problems. My children are responsible parents and good people. My daughters put themselves through school later in life , one is a wonderful RN and the other a CPA, my sons are fabulous Dads and in their 30's taking classes as well. They may never change the world but they are raising 10 wonderful grandchildren. I am Thankful to be a survivor to be able to see them grow. Each and every day is a precious jewel to be enjoyed and savored. I am home bound most of the time , so getting out now and then is a joy. Thankful for courteous service people . I am especially thankful for my Friends on the Net! , they have kept me company during some depressing times and treatments. I look out my window this morning and see sand cranes on my lawn. What a glorious day to drink my coffee on the porch and Thank , Spirit, God , Goddess or what ever you believe . Take a moment to Thank someone today! Happy Thanksgiving to all our wonderful members .
- Beantwoord door
- dirkemans
- op Nov 14, 14, 09:52:43 AM
Held 916
- laatste activiteit 3 jaar geleden
There is a saying in Holland " Wie het kleine niet eert, is het grote niet weert"
It literally means, that those who don't honor the small things aren't deserving of the bigger things.
I never really understood the real depth of that phrase, until i had really gotten out of one of the most amazing streaks of bad luck in my life, and i am not talking about gambling..
Without going into detail about the "horrors" i experienced, since that would be more suitable for halloween:p , i just want to say that in life, sometimes a person has to reinvent his or her self, and try to find a ray of light in dark times..
I came to a point, where i somehow remembered my early childhood, specifically my joy of life, and my amazement at all the funny stuff happening in nature, everyday, since at that age most was new to me:)
I started to watch a lot of amazing nature documentaries, and some of these are showing some deeply saddening images, some even seem cruel or horrific, but in the end, it's all natures way, and the only thing you can do as a human, is fight, just like animals do.,
Now we, at least most of us, are in the position that we don't have to fight for sheer survival, food, or shelter, since most of us have these at hand, or can obtain these with help from others, so what's left is our world of sensations: we can fight to keep our senses, good humour, and health to absorb life to the fullest, or get through it as good as we can.
Three very important factors to enjoy life and get through the harder times or face the challenges that life often places us in. All of these factors you can influence with effort, as you can improve your health, and also regain your senses or train them, and practice your humour, and learn to laugh at yourself too.
And then there are your true friends and family, the good ones aren't for granted, but if you strive to be good to yourself, and to others, "do not do onto others what thou wouldst not do to thyself" and help where you can, these people will stick to your side and be for life...
What i am saying is, i have become really thankful, for the wonders of nature, for the small things in life, one laugh is easily gained but never lost, or wasted as long as you don't take things too seriously and it is from the heart!
I am really thankful to be alive and healthy, and will fight to remain like this for as long as i can! -
- Beantwoord door
- shirlsplay
- op Nov 17, 14, 04:00:44 PM
Superheld 2412
- laatste activiteit 1 dag geleden
I will write something later but had to say what a great idea and than to know that it is posted on the net. .......... For Thanksgiving or Christmas a great gift idea would be to copy your post and place it in a card or on pretty paper, frame it and give it to that special someone or if it is something put it on your wall as a constant reminder.
good luck everyone. -
- Beantwoord door
- pokergranni
- op Nov 17, 14, 09:11:25 PM
Superheld 1335
- laatste activiteit 1 jaar geleden
Hi y’all and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
This is a tough subject to write about without going on, and on, and on because I have so many things I am sincerely thankful for in my life. I will be brief, but to the point in my story about the most important thing, I am thankful for and it is this man.
I am so very, very, thankful for a true one-of-a-kind man that is the major part of my life. He is not only drop dead handsome, but also witty, funny, strong in mind and body, compassionate, a hard worker and provider, and a tad bit sensitive at times. As I mentioned I could go on and on, but those qualities and character are just the tip of the iceberg that this man possesses.
I suppose I am like other people in that I don’t say “Thank-you” enough for the little things this man does everyday for me. I just recently realized that I have been taking for granted or assuming that he would fix it, or take care of it and not give another thought to whatever it was that needed attention or help. Also that my expressed appreciation was late in delivery and sometimes said as an old, “Oh by the way, Thank-you!” I had gotten so busy in day-to-day living or side-tracked with non-important things that I had forgotten how incredibly blessed and fortunate I am to have this man in my life.
This man is the most unbelievable listener. I so very often use him as my sounding board when I think my idea is a good one and I just need a yeah or nay; or I have written an important letter and I want an honest opinion regarding the subject. This man also lets me vent my frustrations out loud to him and never gives an opinion or judges unless asked.
I just could not imagine my life without this man. There are millions of things I have been successful in or with and this is mostly due to this man and his patience with me. He is not perfect and at times has been short in his answers and some of his answers were not quite right on the money, but he has never failed to take time for me and my world.
These are just a few traits that a true best friend is made of and they are ones that I try to copy and incorporate into my life. “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery” and if I can become only a small percentage of what this man is and represents, I can honestly say,”I am a pretty decent human being.”
Oh, I almost forgot to say who this man is………
His name is Jerry (Tid to me), he’s 69 years young, U.S. Vietnam veteran, and I am proud and so very thankful to call him my husband and best friend for the last 35 years. -
- Beantwoord door
- gilajikput91
- op Nov 18, 14, 10:31:14 AM
Held 699
- laatste activiteit 6 maanden geleden
Hi all and especially lipstick_xoxos for organizing this GREAT contest!
.Really excited to share mine
firstly - THANK YOU GOD ,for giving me a chance to live here in this world and also for giving me two great person to be my MOTHER and FATHER
Secondly - THANK YOU for both of my parents for giving me a chance to feel your love, care, and giving me a great life, education and everything's since I was a baby until now still loving me even more, DAD you are my hero ,MOM I'll never stop loving u n never broke your heart, THANKS both of u.
Thirdly - THANKS YOU for all my friends coz with never let me feels alone,always cheering me up youguys are the best!
LCB'S Special - THANK YOU especially Zuga,Blueday for giving me many chance to be a part of this LCB'S Member,even Ive been broke the rules so many times but u guys still giving me a chance to bea part of this .and THANK YOU for all member for sharing the code ,bonus or anything in this community from the early of the year till the end of this year..
gilajikput91 -
- Beantwoord door
- rferry5
- op Nov 18, 14, 11:44:08 AM
Seniorlid 326
- laatste activiteit 6 jaar geleden
First and foremost i thanks God everyday that i wake up again. Thanksgiving is one of my most favorite holidays I have most of my family here on thanksgiving and that is the best thing besides the food i make.
I am thankful for my to children and four awesome grand kids that lights up my life and makes all of the of rotten stuff that life threw at me and its amazing I am still here! You know the normal things that life throws at you like large poor family, alcoholic dad, alcoholic brothers, sister dying from stage 4 liver cirrhosis,brother died at 7 run down by hit an run driver broke all of his bones except for one if your out there you know what you have done how do you live with your self, other brother died under a tree in California under a tree behind a blockbuster 20 cents in his pocket San Francisco jacket on and bled from every orifice in his body that detectives told me initially they thought he was shot but after discover his liver erupted, he was homeless, nephew died from anthrax pill who was soon to be deployed to Iraq because of 911, other nephew died at age 49 due to renal cancer, other nephew is spending most of his life in prison he just cant seem to get right maybe because he is bipolar, sister died suddenly just four years ago she was my best friend SO lost without her, very hard to get over her death I now have panic attacks and anxiety attacks from this one, oldest brother disgust me molested my nieces, and almost got away with it with his grand children i hate him. Thought i was the only one he did that to when I was a little girl. Now i feel tremendous guilt from that situation because if i had told my mom what was going on when i was 5 Thu 12 years of age and trust me she asked me to due to the rashes, she would of stopped him then but even so young youlearn to lie especially if your predator tells you it will make your mom die if she knew. what the heck he was doing . i was just a kid, but still no excuse on my end should of told her .his arrest was recent in the past couple of years still trying to figure out why he did that,I could go on and on but I don't want to bore anyone because one thing i have learned in life even if there is such heartache in life i look at my kids and grandkids with such
amazement and love and most of all thankful that God has given me such joy from them as my reward for my messed up life and soon they will be here for thanksgiving dinner cant get better then that!happy Thanksgiving everyone and many more always be thankful for what you have. -
- Beantwoord door
- ugetbetsy1
- op Nov 19, 14, 11:01:40 AM
Senior Nieuwkomer 16
- laatste activiteit 3 jaar geleden
what I am thankful for. everything from waking in the morning to fall leaves to a rose and family etc...
I believe that a rich man who has all wealth health family and don't appreciate it gives all he has no worth. yet the man who struggles daily yet appreciates even that which he does not have has the richest life. so to hae it all is me why my appreciation and thankfulness makes me richest man alive (women). HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL!!!!!! -
- Beantwoord door
- mer3801
- op Nov 19, 14, 02:17:05 PM
Volledig lid 137
- laatste activiteit 11 maanden geleden
Even though I'm not eligible for the contest prizes, I wanted to contribute. Mainly because I'm unable to express just how much I'm thankful for my kids, to them, because of their ages. So...
I'm thankful for my 3 kids. For keeping me grounded, without even knowing it. I lost my dad when I was young, took care of my mom on hospice until she passed, and less than a year later, their dad and I split. Of all the times I wanted to run, to lock myself in a closet and hide, to bury all of the pain and loss through ways that a lot of people do, I look at my children, and their beautiful, innocent little faces bring me back to reality. Maybe it's selfish to be thankful/grateful to such small beings, but to me, they've saved my life on many occasions. They never asked to be brought into this world, and it's my job,my duty, my role as a parent, to be here for them, to take care of them and raise them into productive members of society. And how successful would I be if I either took the easy way out, or if I drowned my sorrows in drugs or alcohol? Instead, I've redirected the pain from my losses, into a strength .. And love.. And reassurance, to my kids. That while we may not have our loved ones forever, we should make each day count.
So again, While I'm grateful for my kids, I'm thankful that they're so loving and patient.. And thankful that they don't know exactly how much they actually lift me through at times. -
- Beantwoord door
- Lipstick
- op Nov 19, 14, 03:44:17 PM
Almachtige 13901
- laatste activiteit 1 maand geleden
Your stories are more than i hoped for. The honesty to share your pain, sorrow, personal tribulations and triumphs are very touching. Ty
- Beantwoord door
- natlozogav
- op Nov 20, 14, 02:51:51 AM
Held 654
- laatste activiteit 3 jaar geleden
My best day of my life for my 84th birthday, my grandfather was. Gathered the family and really enjoyed ourselves. Otherwise, my grandmother had been married since the age of 18, and since then, unfortunately, my grandfather passed away ....
- Beantwoord door
- Gabi18
- op Nov 20, 14, 03:19:37 AM
- Seniorlid 294
- laatste activiteit 6 jaar geleden
the most memorable day for me was my friend's birthday. all our friends were there and partied good.
- Beantwoord door
- betty shuchard
- op Nov 20, 14, 08:15:57 PM
Nieuwkomer 3
- laatste activiteit 6 jaar geleden
I can only say I am so appreciative and thankful for all from the life I given when I awake in morn to a rose to a hello from friends family and all I have. U see to be richest on earth but not appreciate is to have nothing of worth. To have nothing of monetary value yet appreciate even a sun rise rainbow or beauty in the clouds up high is to be the richest on worth for value comes from gratitude and worth so be thankful for all u have then like me u become the riches person on earth. LIKE ME!!!!
- Beantwoord door
- tinker
- op Nov 21, 14, 05:25:36 AM
Seniorlid 432
- laatste activiteit 7 jaar geleden
I'm thankful for reconnecting with a friend who I grew up with 28 years ago. His name is John Beasley and he was actually a friend of my brother's and looked at me as a younger sister. About 4 weeks ago he friended me on facebook and things have never been the same. I was hospitalized at the beginning of the month with a pneumonia and John was my rock. He stayed with me for 8 days while I was in the hospital. He turned my dark into light and I couldn't have asked for a better friend whose now my boyfriend. He's hottest and most compatible person I've ever dated and the best partner one can have. I pinch myself and thank my lucky stars that he was brought into my life again.
- Beantwoord door
- nmeittunen
- op Nov 22, 14, 03:55:35 AM
Juniorlid 90
- laatste activiteit 6 jaar geleden
There are a lot of things that come to mind when I think about what I am thankful for .... My niece is the first thing that comes to mind. She is truly the most amazing 12 year old girl and she inspires me to be a better person just by loving me unconditionally like she does. I am thankful for the people that surround me that accept me even when I am not at my best. I am thankful for the freedoms I am allowed to have because of the brave men and women who serve our country. I am thankful for music because without it I would be a basketcase!! i am thankful for learning from the mistakes my sisters made and not making the same ones myself after seeing what they went through because of their actions. I feel EXTREMELY lucky for this to be honest.
- Beantwoord door
- lisas46
- op Nov 23, 14, 03:24:20 AM
Senior Nieuwkomer 40
- laatste activiteit 3 jaar geleden
I want to thank my sister Jeanne's husband, Bill, for being the best husband anyone could have ever wanted. My sister was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2007. Bill was there with her for every horrible thing she had to go through including a double mastectomy and complete hysterectomy (because my mom had ovarian cancer and they say those two cancers somehow are linked). During this time the economy got bad and my sister was not able to work as much so he lost his business. After that they lost their home so in August of 2013 he moved their whole family down to New Mexico to live with my older sister.
Jeanne always said she was going to make it back up to Missouri for my daughter's wedding in June of 2014, especially since my daughter asked Bill to give her away. But 8 days before the wedding, Bill had told me he didn't think they were going to make it. Jeanne had been in the hospital for almost three weeks then and there was no indication she was going to be released any time soon. But due to the determination of my beautiful sister and her husband, she was on a plane coming home the Wednesday before the wedding. In fact, they were moving home and a couple of days after she and her youngest daughter flew in, her husband and two boys drove in with the U-Haul. It was so great to have her here especially for my daughter. A month after she graced us with her presence, her illness got the better of her and she lost her battle. I immediately knew why they decided to move back home. Anyway, Bill has been the best husband to my sister and the best father to their children. I thank God each and every day that my sister was with me at the very end and for that I thank Bill as well. -
- Beantwoord door
- Cat50
- op Nov 23, 14, 04:55:26 AM
Superster 6672
- laatste activiteit 2 dagen geleden
I am thankful for my brother who passed away at 21 in 1994. He taught me to be humble and thankful for the things i have. He also taught me to love. My brother was a hard worker who worked two jobs when he found out that he had a baby on the way. He dropped out of school lacking 2 credits to graduate. He always told me no matter what someone does to me never let them steal your joy. If they steal your joy then they have won. Hate will eat at you and fester. He was 4 years older then me and my fondest memory was when we were younger (it was three of us)and my mom was in the hospital (due to lupus complications) he had to take care of us. He walked to the food pantry because we were out of food and came home with a bag of vegetables, a pack of meat (he saved for supper) and a big bag of flour. For brunch (breakfast and lunch since it was 11am ) he made us some of the biggest biscuits i have ever seen in my life, even to this day. A big drop of butter,right in the middle of them. He told us they were cat head biscuits
and to eat up. He had made a can of string beans to go with them. I was reluctant at first but i finally tasted them. It was the best meal i had ever ate (maybe due to hunger
). After that my mom's boss (who she went on to work for 40 years) called and asked where was she. My brother told Mrs. Crowe everything and after going to the hospital to see my mom (who was mad we told- sometimes pride is not good) Mrs. Crowe picked us up in her snazzy yellow canary Mercedes and took us to a fancy breakfast. This well dressed woman with these homeless looking kids was some sight i could imagine. Even though my brother tried, he could not comb my hair for nothing. My pig tails were straight up like devil horns. People starred openly and after a well placed frosted look from Mrs.Crowe (the wife of prestigious lawyer Arthur Crowe) people would turn their heads in embarrassment. She sure could make you feel small with that Arctic look. She also took us to get clothes. (2 weeks worth) so we could look nice going to school. When my mother returned from the hospital, Mrs.Crowe hired a home nurse to my mom's further dismay. I can still remember the very colorful exchange they had about Mrs. Crowe needing to mind her own d%#& business and go home. Of course this was just the beginning of a long journey for them.
My brother was murdered giving a co- worker who was a drug addict a ride home. It was pay day and the guy asked my brother, to be dropped off in a place where there was one way in and one way out. My brother being the kind soul he was gave him a ride. The last time we would see my brother alive :'(. The local newspaper wrote it up as drug related even though my brother had no prior drug offences and the police found none on scene. He was sitting on his money with a pack of cigarettes in the console. Even witnesses said they had seen no drug exchange but the ones who did it were bad characters. Mr. and Mrs. Crowe not only paid for everything (the funeral expense)but they made the newspaper write a retraction and send an apology letter.
Every holiday i remember the good my brother did. I remember people saying he was wise beyond his years and had the eyes of an old man that had been here before. I get really depressed around the holidays because i miss my brother so much. My mother even had her first heart attack and stroke after this. I even miss the Crowe's who seemed to be a permanent fixture in my life. I am who i am today because of them, may they rest in peace. -
- Beantwoord door
- gabby
- op Nov 23, 14, 09:03:53 PM
Machtige 3326
- laatste activiteit 3 jaar geleden
Very nice and touching posts... thank you to all who posted and shared.
I am thankful for so many things in my life, especially thankful now as one of my best friends died Oct. 21.
When I moved to Minnesota in the middle of 8th grade, I made 4 girlfriends who are my closest friends even today. The Fab 5 is now The Fab 4.
The person I am most thankful for is my husband. We had our first date when I was 15. He was/is also friends with the gals mentioned above. We have been married 27 years. He has been my rock through ups and downs. We have three great kids together. I didn't think we would have more after baby #1 and after years of tests, meds.. the whole 9 yards, I got pregnant with 'our miracle' baby #2. Surprisingly and shockingly, baby #3 was conceived. We have been blessed with a wonderful immediate and extended family.
My husband was hospitalized this past April and August with two rare and odd medical conditions. It was touch and go for a while and I faced the real possibility of living life without him. Thankfully, he pulled through and I don't take one second with him for granted. Okay, maybe I do, but I try not to.
I am also and will always be thankful for my mom who lived by example. I learned about being a great mom from watching her. She was the coolest lady! Growing up, I never saw my mom in a pair of flats. High heels every day. Grocery shopping, running errands, cleaning, cooking, watching TV, driving us kids around, always dressed in Jeans, blouse, high heels and jewelry. What a classy women. I miss her every day... I am forever thankful for her! Love you....mommy! -
- Beantwoord door
- gabby
- op Nov 23, 14, 09:05:57 PM
Machtige 3326
- laatste activiteit 3 jaar geleden
Oh Rena, I am so sorry for the loss of your brother, and in such a senseless and tragic way.
- Beantwoord door
- Cat50
- op Nov 24, 14, 12:20:41 PM
Superster 6672
- laatste activiteit 2 dagen geleden
Oh Rena, I am so sorry for the loss of your brother, and in such a senseless and tragic way.
Thank you so much dear. I was one of the ones praying for your hubby's recovery and i am so glad he pulled threw. You are one of my oldest dearest forum friends and it means a lot to me the support we all have here at LCB for each other.
- Beantwoord door
- op Nov 24, 14, 09:56:53 PM
- Nieuwkomer 1
- laatste activiteit 7 jaar geleden
Hello everyone~
Begging for money on this forum is not allowed therefore i have removed your post and you are now disqualified from this contest.
- Beantwoord door
- blacky777
- op Nov 27, 14, 11:45:44 AM
Held 814
- laatste activiteit 1 uur geleden
I am very thankful for my family and friends, also for having food on the table. These may seem to be standard things to be thankful for, but as a once homeless person, I can assure you they have very special meaning to me in my life. I now have a very lovable girlfriend and her family is just wonderful as is my own.
Thanks for allowing me to post this message during the holidays.
God Bless And Hope You All Have Wonderful Holidays. -
- Beantwoord door
- L.g. Loopy
- op Nov 27, 14, 01:22:17 PM
Senior Nieuwkomer 34
- laatste activiteit 7 jaar geleden
Hello, I am from Bulgaria 28 years, first to tell you that in our country today is not that popular but it is a great day to take stock and to thank the people who support you, first I thank my parents that I was brought up and raised, this is a wonderful celebration that can get together and celebrate, whether we had good and bad times together, I want to wish all relatives, friends and forum users have health and luck in life
- Beantwoord door
- galata86
- op Nov 27, 14, 06:23:08 PM
- Juniorlid 65
- laatste activiteit 8 jaar geleden
I don't really celebrate this but I can say something about thing on which I can tank God
I can thank God because I can finaly participate in one of these contest on LCB for the first time
, I am tankful on all my friends, family and every single pearson who is with me when I am down and thanks my girlfriend for everything and she can make me laugh when nobody can
- Beantwoord door
- sanchya
- op Nov 28, 14, 06:25:47 AM
Held 725
- laatste activiteit 9 maanden geleden
In the first place, and most importantly I am grateful to my mother for my life, because without her my life would not bestrength of her that is what I wish to everyone, i wasnt easy doughter, but stubborn and with difficult character, and it is very difficult work,bring up three daughters and do everything in their favor, now i feel it and know how hard it is -to be the best mom for our kids
so the next one person is my hubby, i cant imagine my life without him, he is worth more than everything in this life, he is the man who put up with all my whim, must fill up my desires, coffee in bed, nice words, must love and respect, and most importantly, that he does! he's a great father and a charming man.
and of course my little monstersThey have no value chain because they are my life. Children are the mirror of every elterns, how happy you are, so happy is your children. Children are the ones who bring life care and joy! and I am grateful that I have these two little people, they give me the energy to get up every day and go ahead, looking only to the future, start each day with a smile and go to sleep and peace of mind, seeing them with me!
in one word - it is family... otherwise I would be nothing. my sisters, stepfather, mother, husband, my children, and little angel Mihael (son of my sister) they are the people whose support me and always will be ready to do everything for me and i know only that words can never say thank you enough!!!!!
and of course i will always have a piece thanks for everyone around me, for everyone who make me smile or help me or is just a friend! and also for everyone here at LCB -
- Beantwoord door
- premsharma16
- op Nov 29, 14, 01:54:49 AM
Volledig lid 151
- laatste activiteit 3 jaar geleden
Its thanks giving contest and i really wanna thank my parents. They are the one who have supported me through out my life. From the time i as born, they sacrificed their leisure's to ensure my well being.
I believe everybody should be thankful to their parents for the reason being that they are the ones who have bought you to this world.
Secondly, i am thankful to god to give me a healthy and peaceful life. The world is beautiful and i believe in living every moment of my life because it is very precious.
Thirdly, i am thankful to badminton. It has kept me physically fit and established with in me the sense of competitiveness. It also taught me that winning isn't everything but giving your best is what matters.
Lastly , i would like to thanks LCB to give this opportunity to make this festival a global one because it isn't celebrated here in my country. Moreover , monthly contest are just cherry on the cake.
I would keep this short because otherwise the list might never end
Cheers LCB ! -
- Beantwoord door
- sagar19
- op Nov 29, 14, 09:40:55 AM
- Senior Nieuwkomer 27
- laatste activiteit 8 jaar geleden
I would take this beautiful opportunity given by the lcb to thank all the significant people that have happened in my life.
Starting with the almighty god:
I would like to thank him for giving me this life and making me a human being as it is the most intelligent creature of the earth. I would thank him for making me a part of such a beautiful world and giving me senses to smell the fragrance of flowers, listen to sound of waterfall, to see beauty of the nature.
Parents, family:
I would like thank my mom and dad for bringing me to this world. I am grateful to them for nourishing me in the best possible way and I whatever i have become today are because of them.
Friends have too been a essential part of my life and yes they all so deserve credit of my well being. So i would like sincerely thanks them even.
Finally lcb as i earlier said it is a great opportunity that i have got to my express my feeling publicly.
Thank You lcb!
cheers lcb!
- Beantwoord door
- Bitspender
- op Nov 29, 14, 06:55:27 PM
Superheld 1360
- laatste activiteit 1 maand geleden
For my family Thanksgiving has always been a big family affair. We all gather together and enjoy a feast of turkey with all the trimmings, though we are very lucky to have each other and we are deeply grateful to be blessed with such wonderful things.
Not everyone has the luxury of a close family, or dear friends to had spent this holiday with and for some people the thought of Thanksgiving may even be depressing or lonely, but fear not, even if you are spending this holiday alone you have plenty of things to be thankful for in your life.
I am also thankful to have such wonderful caring cyber friends here at LCB. No other gambling forum could compare to the community we have here. Thank you all!
Last but not lest I am thank for the Republican Party winning back the House and Senate. The last 6 years has been everything short of Hope and Change. -
- Beantwoord door
- marcus2281
- op Nov 30, 14, 06:39:32 AM
Seniorlid 428
- laatste activiteit 3 jaar geleden
I am thankful for my mum still being around.
She hasn't had it easy in life after being diagnosed with parkinsons disease quite a few years ago. Back then I would of expected her to of gone right down hill now and be bedridden. Alas while she is a bit slower than she used to be, she is still certainly with it.
It's more important that she is still with us around this time of year because over the years Christmas has always been a big thing for us. When I was younger she would always make sure I had the best Christmas, and even as I got older that still continued so it's nice to be able to still enjoy it with her -
- Beantwoord door
- Sommi
- op Nov 30, 14, 07:26:01 AM
Superheld 2494
- laatste activiteit 3 jaar geleden
Once again, we don't celebrate thanksgiving in Poland... At least December's contest will probably be about Christmas..
But it's a really nice opportunity to think a little about my life. Well, I won't be too original - first of all I am grateful to my mum, especially for her patience (I was a really annoying teen) and for helping me as much as she can at every opportunity
because of this topic I've just called her to ask how it is going, I was so busy recently that I actually forgot about most important things
Also I'm grateful to all of my friends for just being there for me whenever I needed them
Finally - thanks to LCB for creating a site where I spent already 19 days, 23 hours and 57 minutes online. -
- Beantwoord door
- yapro123
- op Nov 30, 14, 11:19:55 AM
- Volledig lid 105
- laatste activiteit 8 jaar geleden
I would like to say THANK YOU To my family.
My mom and dad, they give me this life, they teach me to life(and still teach). Thanks to my grandma and grandpa, i never forget when i was kid i spent all summer in village with them, that was awesome time, i never forget this. They also teach me a lot.
Thanks to my GF and sister, i love them bothJust because they are here , in my life.
Family - is the most important part of the life, this is something you can not buy. Please, do not forget your family, parents. Even if you have bad relationships, do not be angry on them, they still love you.
I love all my family, and even something happens, i am still will love everyone in it. And nothing can change it, and nothing never change. And i will never have bigger treasure that my family. -
- Beantwoord door
- Armage
- op Nov 30, 14, 11:24:11 AM
Superheld 1535
- laatste activiteit 25 dagen geleden
In Lithuania we don't celebrate thanksgiving too
But i have my own story, which is a new page in my life right now. Month ago i moved out from little town where i lived with my parents, to bigger city, Capital.. we had very bad relationship with my parents whole year, so i decided to leave. I had only 10$ in my pocket and no place to live. Thankfully my sister lives in Capital, so i moved out to her. She have own family, so i knew that i can stay there only for few days, and must to find new place to live.. But she together with husband helped me to find new place where i'm living right now. Her husband found me new job in the next day, so i got the job. Of course it's hard there, but i need to grow my funds for the future and i will change my job, when i will get more experience. So i don't know where i'd be now if not my sister. For now, it's very hard time for me, but i believe, that i can do this. Even i have no time for poker, lol
Some day i will upload some photos from my flat and my life, because i'm thinking about photography as hobby.
- Beantwoord door
- Shumar4life
- op Dec 01, 14, 12:40:59 PM
Volledig lid 163
- laatste activiteit 6 jaar geleden
If i need to be thankful I want to thank to my bookie which one always supports me to bet on stupid matches, and he was full of supports for my bad choices. When everybody were so critical about my way of life, he stand his ground and he always show how much appreciate my bad way of living.
I want to thank to my girlfriend, which one drive me crazy when I am watching football on television. If I pay attention on some football game, she will always try to make me to pay attention at her, and we had some beautiful moments while she did this kind of things. If you know what I mean.
I want to thank to police officers from my street. When I drink couple of beers in the bar, I always wish to sing songs in honour of the best Basketball club ever Partizan Belgrade. I am living in the street with some tough Red Star supporters, and this officers always protect me from them. I am not so sure which team they are supporting.
And at the end, I want to thank to all girls with big boobies. My life would be very poor without them. -
- Beantwoord door
- shirlsplay
- op Dec 01, 14, 08:13:32 PM
Superheld 2412
- laatste activiteit 1 dag geleden
It is really hard to pick just 1 person or thing that i am thankful for. There are many that i am thankful for. I am very thankful for having such a great boyfriend. We have been together now for just over 12 years. We have had a few fights were we were going to go our seperate ways but neither of us ever did. It was always him who wanted to resolve our problem right away. He stay with me when i had some really bad mental issues. He would go with me to my appointments and try to help me as much as he could. There has been times that the doctor changed my meds and they did not work. I put him through alot and he still stayed with me. He tells me a couple times a day that he loves me. He is very smart and good looking ( when he shaves his ) . I just love him so much that i could never imagine not being with him.
Hope everyone had a good thanksgiving.
thank you for the contest. -
- Beantwoord door
- johny78
- op Dec 02, 14, 07:17:58 AM
Volledig lid 227
- laatste activiteit 7 jaar geleden
hello, I'm from romania ... and in my country we dont celebrate Thanksgivingday, but I still have a message for my friends and especially for my family:there is nothing in this world that is worth achieving more than the love from family and friends.i achieved this on my birthday.i could not be any more thankful!!!i love you all!!!!!!!!
- Beantwoord door
- sagar19
- op Dec 02, 14, 11:22:45 AM
- Senior Nieuwkomer 27
- laatste activiteit 8 jaar geleden
This was another great contest from lcb and yes i have to say lcb do comes with innovative ideas each month.
It was a real exciting and emotional as well that how a person value different people in there life.
And as lcb groups people from all parts of the worlds its even more good.
Cheers lcb! -
- Beantwoord door
- Barbu Marco
- op Dec 02, 14, 12:44:56 PM
Volledig lid 213
- laatste activiteit 7 jaar geleden
i am very most thankful for my family wich i love very much. For all the things that are dear for me. For my future wife . For the comunity in wich i was welcomed with a lot of warm a few years back. For GOD because he wont give up on mankind even we are full of hate and ugly inside more each day. For all our true friends who are with us in all our happy days and even on those who are tough to breaktrough. For my father who was my example in life and who is no longer among us. a big THANX for all those things.
- Beantwoord door
- Mago666
- op Dec 02, 14, 01:11:53 PM
Held 996
- laatste activiteit 6 jaar geleden
Today I wanna thanks for the all beautifull moments in my life and all things i have done this year my moments of pain throughout my happines i specially thankful for my parents who also be with me in all of my life for my sisters who love with all of my heart for my type of life for my dreams achieved by those thanks for who love me like my girlfriend specially thanks for all of the things i have earn this year i wanna thanks for my health and finally i wanna thanks for LCB and i hope all of you hav a great december now!
- Beantwoord door
- xbornluckyx
- op Dec 03, 14, 03:02:58 AM
Held 665
- laatste activiteit 3 jaar geleden
There is a lot of people i have to be thankful to in my life, but the biggest thanks without a doubt goes to my parents. When i was 20 i became a single mum and my parents done everything they could to help me out when the father of my child didnt want to know. Throughout the years they have continued to be my rock to lean against. When a relationship i was in turned violent they continued to be 100 percent supportive and helped me through it. My mum is the type of lady that would give someone the shirt off her back if she thought they needed it and has often given me little somethings from her pocket if i was stuck. I have often seen when she had visitors if they commented on something like liked in her house like an ornament they would end up walking out with it as she has a heart of gold. And my dad has kept my head together and helped me budget and never seen me without. They are fantastic grandparents to my daughter and she adores them. I have never really had the money to buy them anything or treat them to more than a small present so it is nice to be able to thank them this way and let them know what they mean to me. I love you mum and dad you are the best
I would also like to say i am so thankful for having my daughter katie, she is an extroardinary child who has been through so much heartbreak over her father treating her badly and yet she is so strong and loving still. I am so proud to be her mother.
Lastly a big thanks to all my family and friends and my online friends and LCB , we dont celebrate thanksgiving here so wishing you all a very merry christmas have a great one -
- Beantwoord door
- Lipstick
- op Dec 03, 14, 07:41:37 AM
Almachtige 13901
- laatste activiteit 1 maand geleden
Today is the last day for this contest so be sure to get your entry in!!
- Beantwoord door
- Johnajax
- op Dec 03, 14, 09:31:25 AM
- Nieuwkomer 14
- laatste activiteit 7 jaar geleden
I am not rich guy, I am not thankful on great expensive stuff, clots, I don't travel a lot... but I am thankful on FC Ajax, and one days a week I can go to their game and forget about everything, every problem doesn't matter for 90 minutes. I enjoy watching that young talents playing football and making Ajax one of the best club in Europe! Thank you AJAX!
- Beantwoord door
- sirin
- op Dec 03, 14, 10:01:51 AM
Held 899
- laatste activiteit 4 jaar geleden
In spite of that fact that Thanksgiving is American tradition only, all of us have big Thanks in our hearts maybe to very special person or thing and this contest is a great opportunity to express our gratefulness. Thank you, LCB for this chance
I would love to say Thanks to lots of people, things and events in my life and was thinking about the most important one and found that I can't pick out someone or something as all of them made my life as it is.
And to be grateful to all together I just say Thanks to the Great Consciousness that unites all beings and things in our world and brings all of these wonderful people whom I met and all things that happened with me. Thank You for the most valuable thing in my life - for my Experience, the only thing I will keep forever!
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