ready82 wrote:
Salve gente, qualcuno conosce i tempi di prelievo del casinò slotocash? ho chiesto il prelievo il 15 gennaio notte e non ho ancora ricevuto nessuna risposta.... Stasera sono 48 ore che il prelievo è richiesto....
Ho pure mandato i documenti ma tutto tace.....bah..lentezza unica....!
ciao , io ho gia' prelevato piu' volte con loro e su neteller sono puntuali , dopo 48 ore dalla mail che ti mandano pagano .
Pero' deve essere a posto il conto quindi revisionato ed accettato e devi anche vedere se il prelievo e' stato accettato dal casher , nella sezione prelievi .
se e' tutto regolare pagano al 100% dopo le 48 ore , ciaooooooo
ready82 schreef: Hallo mensen, kent iemand de opnametijden van het slotocash casino? Ik heb op 15 januarinacht om de opname gevraagd en heb nog steeds geen antwoord ontvangen.... Vanavond is de opname voor 48 uur aangevraagd....
Ik heb zelfs de documenten verzonden, maar alles is stil....bah..unieke traagheid...!
Hallo, ik heb al verschillende keren met hen opgenomen en op Neteller zijn ze punctueel, na 48 uur vanaf de e-mail die ze je sturen, betalen ze.
De rekening moet echter in orde zijn, dus gecontroleerd en geaccepteerd, en u moet ook zien of de opname door de kassier is geaccepteerd, in het opnamegedeelte.
als alles in orde is betalen ze na 48 uur 100%, doei
ready82 wrote: Hi folks, does anyone know the slotocash casino withdrawal times? I asked for the withdrawal on January 15th night and I still haven't received any response.... Tonight the withdrawal has been requested for 48 hours....
I even sent the documents but all is silent.....bah..unique slowness....!
hi, I have already withdrawn several times with them and on neteller they are punctual, after 48 hours from the email they send you they pay.
However, the account must be in order, therefore reviewed and accepted, and you must also see if the withdrawal has been accepted by the casher, in the withdrawals section.
if everything is in order they pay 100% after 48 hours, byeeeee