CasinoInter - Egyptian Tournament
Prize Pool: €2,982.6
Start date: 22/06/2022 22:00.
End Date: 29/06/2022 21:59.
If you don't have a CasinoInter account, you can sign up HERE.

Play with real money bets to qualify for the Tournament.
Minimum bet amount is €0.09
Displayed in % of the total prize pool
1st place - 25%
2nd place - 15%
3rd place - 10%
4th place - 8%
5th place - 5%
6th place - 4%
7th place - 3%
8th place - 2.25%
9th place - 2%
10th place - 1.5%
11-15th place - 1%
16-25th place - 0.8%
26-45th place - 0.5%
46-50th place - 0.25%
Qualifying Games: Hot & Win, Ultra Burst, Guardian of Ra, Burning Chilli, 2 Kings of Africa, Longmu and the Dragons, Medusa Hunt, Million 88, Lady Forest, Million Zeus, Million Dracula 2, O'Bryan's Funland, Ways of the Samurai, Tommy Gun's Vendetta, Super 20 Stars, Max Dangerous and the Lost Relics, Alchemy Ways, Flamingo Paradise, Fruits'n Jars, Nefertiti's Riches, Parrot Bay, Diamong Cascade, Million 777, Lorelei's Pearls, Wild Animals, Million Dracula, Tiger and Dragon, Super 15 Stars, 1st of The Irish, Secrets of the Temple, Magic Wilds, Disco Nights, MAYA, World Football, Viva Las Vegas, Speed Heroes, Mystic Lady, Wildcano, JUDGES RULE THE SHOW!, SUPER 10 STARS, Heidi at the Oktoberfest, JACK O'LANTERN VS THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN, MUERTITOS, MEGA MONEY, THE ASP OF CLEOPATRA, Super 7 Stars, Queens & Diamonds, Eastern Goddesses, Ryan O'Bryan And The Celtic Faries, Siberian Wolf, The Legendary Red Dragon, Super 5 Stars, Electric Sevens, Mysteries of Egypt, Mega Stellar, The Secret of the Opera, Respins & Diamonds, Red Dragon VS Blue Dragon, Ragin' Buffalo, 3 Butterflies, Planet 67, Myrtle the Witch, Bonnie & Clyde, Knights, The Travels of Marco, Super 12 Stars, The Adventures of Ali Baba, Million 7, Mata Hari: The Spy, Cai Shen 88, Twin Harlequin, Mother of Horus, Gustav Minebuster, Solomon: the King, 777 Heist.
*General Terms and Conditions are applied.
CasinoInter - Egyptisch toernooi
Prijzenpot: € 2.982,6
Startdatum: 22/06/2022 22:00 uur.
Einddatum: 29/06/2022 21:59.
Als u geen CasinoInter-account heeft, kunt u zich HIER aanmelden .

Speel met inzetten om echt geld om je te kwalificeren voor het toernooi.
Het minimale inzetbedrag is € 0,09
Weergegeven in % van de totale prijzenpot
1e plaats - 25%
2e plaats - 15%
3e plaats - 10%
4e plaats - 8%
5e plaats - 5%
6e plaats - 4%
7e plaats - 3%
8e plaats - 2,25%
9e plaats - 2%
10e plaats - 1,5%
11-15e plaats - 1%
16-25e plaats - 0,8%
26-45e plaats - 0,5%
46-50e plaats - 0,25%
Kwalificerende spellen: Hot & Win, Ultra Burst, Guardian of Ra, Burning Chilli, 2 Kings of Africa, Longmu and the Dragons, Medusa Hunt, Million 88, Lady Forest, Million Zeus, Million Dracula 2, O'Bryan's Funland, Ways of de Samurai, Tommy Gun's Vendetta, Super 20 Stars, Max Dangerous and the Lost Relics, Alchemy Ways, Flamingo Paradise, Fruits'n Jars, Nefertiti's Riches, Parrot Bay, Diamong Cascade, Million 777, Lorelei's Pearls, Wild Animals, Million Dracula, Tiger and Dragon, Super 15 Stars, 1st of The Irish, Secrets of the Temple, Magic Wilds, Disco Nights, MAYA, World Football, Viva Las Vegas, Speed Heroes, Mystic Lady, Wildcano, JUDGES RULE THE SHOW!, SUPER 10 STERREN , Heidi op het Oktoberfest, JACK O'LANTERN VS DE HEADLESS HORSEMAN, MUERTITOS, MEGA MONEY, THE ASP OF CLEOPATRA, Super 7 Stars, Queens & Diamonds, Eastern Goddesses, Ryan O'Bryan And The Celtic Faries, Siberian Wolf, The Legendary Red Dragon, Super 5 Stars, Electric Sevens, Mysteries of Egypt, Mega Stellar, The Secret of the Opera, Respins & Diamonds, Red Dragon VS Blue Dragon, Ragin' Buffalo, 3 vlinders, Planet 67, Myrtle the Witch, Bonnie & Clyde , Ridders, De reizen van Marco, Super 12 Stars, De avonturen van Ali Baba, Million 7, Mata Hari: The Spy, Cai Shen 88, Twin Harlekijn, Moeder van Horus, Gustav Minebuster, Solomon: de koning, 777 Heist.
*Algemene voorwaarden zijn van toepassing.