[/quote]another customer who got screwed over but FORGOT and forgave as soon as SOME of their winnings showed up.......CMON PEOPLE...REALLY????? read the last thirty pages of this thread.....THIS IS NOT OK
[/quote] WOW!!!!! What the hell????? ALL I was doing was giving some players at "Begado Casino" some info and update on their off-line status!!?? As for being "Sick"! because I happen to get paid and was trying to give a little hope to baby,I get crusified! I "DON'T" check what it "Look's like" after I post it, so the fact its in bold letters doesnt give ANY- BODY on this forum the right to be so rude!
If everyone cares to read it properly; Im in "Defence" of Baby and all other people who are having a bad time at this casino; ie:>>>>
"BUT this does in no way excuse a Bounced Cheque?? But i think after total investigation; you'll find YOUR Bank has had the last say whether they would actually accept it or return it! Just a thought Baby! I do sincerely hope,and will pray for you that u do get your funds BEFORE Xmas for ur son! "AND>>
"As for OTHER PEOPLE posting "You shouldnt rely on gambling", Baby got the

As ANYONE can read; Im certainly NOT having a go at her in fact; Im defending!!! I dont know how my words could be so mis-construed

ALL the years I have been on here; everyday someone comes on with "I WON XXXXXXX!!!!!" and "I WON AGAIN" and at casinos the rest of us are being ripped off at. You dont see me ripping into that person for posting that they got paid??? Good Luck to them!
BABY>> Please re-read my post; as its intended to be in favour of you and NOT the casino; and as for other people, please THINK! before you post about somebody else! Words can hurt!......This will be my last post Zuga, thanks for all the years of help.
The only thing I understand is "if Id live in america I would sue for defamation". What a crazy post and statement. BTW Im sure your lawsuit would be so awesome!