King Casino - Trick or Treat
Promo valid: 27th October 2022 - 03rd November 2022.
Prize pool: £10,000
Qualifying games: Devil's Trap, Dracula, Voodoo Reels
Please Sign up Here if you don't have an account.
How does it works:
- Promo is based on sum of single highest win in relation to bet.
- The minimum bet is £0.10
- If multiple slots are selected with the sum of single highest win in relation to bet option then the best scores from all of the participating slots are summed up
- Casino T&C apply.
1st place - £2,500
2nd place - £1,500
3rd place - £1,000
4th place - £750
5th place - £500
6th - 10th place - £200
11th - 25th place - £100
26th - 50th place - £50