Chance Hill Casino Exclusieve Eerste Stortingsbonus
100% tot aan 200€ + 50 Free SpinsHoe te claimen: Spelers moeten zich inschrijven via
LINK en tijdens de registratie de volgende Bonus Code gebruiken:
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LCBWR: 45 x Bonus
Minimum Storting: 20€/$
Max cash-out? Geen limiet
Uitgesloten Games: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Lucky Angler,Blood Suckers, Big Bang, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, The Wish Master, Scrooge, Devil's Delight, Champion of the Track, Robin Hood, Tomb Raider 2, Tornado: Farm Escape en Dead or Alive.
Cashable Bonus: Ja
Beschikbaar op mobiel? Ja
Exclusieve promotie verloopt op:
30 April 31 Mei 2016 Uitgesloten Landen:
Belarus, Spanje, Frankrijk en Deel- en Lidstaten van de Franse Republiek, United Kingdom, Kroatië, Hongarije, Italië, United States
Chance Hill Casino Exclusive First Deposit Bonus
100% up to €200 + 50 Free Spins How to claim: Players must register via
LINK and use the following Bonus Code during registration:
Bonus code?
LCB WR: 45 x Bonus
Minimum Deposit: 20€/$
Max cashout? No limit
Excluded Games: Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Lucky Angler,Blood Suckers, Big Bang, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises, The Wish Master, Scrooge, Devil's Delight, Champion of the Track, Robin Hood, Tomb Raider 2, Tornado: Farm Escape and Dead or Alive.
Cashable Bonus: Yes
Available on mobile? Yes
Exclusive promotion expires on:
April 30 May 31, 2016 Excluded Countries:
Belarus, Spain, France and States and Member States of the French Republic, United Kingdom, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, United States