HAPPY HOLIDAYS Lady Blue and Santa Jack!
Let's start right off with the important stuff. From my heart, I wish for both of you...
"THE BRIGHTEST, HAPPIEST, AND MOST JOY FILLED HOLIDAY SEASON EVER!!" May you and yours always dance in the light!
Now for the latest. Tearing the roof off of my house this week, need a new one but OMG! What a mess goes without saying . when you consider that running the length of my house, upstairs, is a dormer style, carpeted and protected storage space. It's quite handy with the convenient access of doors on each end of the hallway and has always been the safe place to store even the quite fragile items... UNTIL NOW! Seems that during the tear off phase of this expensive project, much like my entire garage, this once protective area will also become temporarily EXPOSED/OPEN AIR - totally at the mercy of the elements and the (currently quite often ) unpredictable weather! So during my favorite time of year when I should be decorating my corner lot, inside and out, getting ready for our annual Xmas open house and preparing homemade cookies and candies for the neighbors, local fire stations (my heros for sure! ), the mailman (oopsie! Letter carrier I meant to say. Hehehe) and of course...
For SANTA JACK to enjoy after he shimmies down my chimney! I promise to remember to leave the damper open for you too, Santa Baby! :'X Instead of all these things I truly consider a labor of love... I'm participating in creating CHAOS and paying a %*#&load of $ for the abuse! >:(
Ok, I'm done. Rant over and I feel better, I think. ROFLMAO! Thanks for not revoking my membership privilege and allowing me to vent. It was that or implode... Which just seemed way too much like I'd be adding to the existing mess around here, right! Lmao. Besides, it could be worse...
At least I HAVE a home and this destruction is PLANNED as well as TEMPORARY. WOW! Does that ever put things back in perspective and now I feel foolish, embarrassed, and self centered which I truly am not. I should erase this whole thing and not post this, I know. However, I cannot lest I repeat this negative mindset of which I'm now quite ashamed. As someone wiser than I once said, "this too shall pass".
ok Santa Jack... Unless you just removed me from the nice list and put me on the naughty list, (which does have it's plus side too, right! Hehehe! Oops again roflmao!), I know what you can bring me for Xmas... Your best therapy elf! Lmao.
Now, to current events in the yippee category. I can finally enjoy WINADAY gaming on my mobile devices! Found a very user friendly, reliable, fast, and safe workaround for the "flash denied" buzz kill which I've resented so. I'm quite possibly the last one to know about such things making this old news, however...
I'm so jazzed that I'm frolicking on happy feet and, once again, doing that end zone dance! Probably visuals in my head involving penguins for some reason, too! Right Lady Blue?
Wink, wink.
On that positive note, I thank you both very much and bid you adieu for now.
Jilleaux Maagnificent
5.12.13 02:29 Closed Deposit $72.00
3.12.13 13:22 Closed Deposit $88.00
27.11.13 13:07 Closed Deposit. $25.00
27.11.13 12:57 Closed Deposit. $30.00
27.11.13 05:26 Closed Deposit. $35.00
TOTAL. $250.00
Ouch, so sorry to hear about the crazy insane remodelling project exposing your most precious gems to the open worls, angry birds' eyes, even angrier NSA satellite eyes etc.
Let's all pray it will be soon over with the least damage done as humanly possible! Otherwise, I'm booking an entire herd of my best therapy lamas sending them to help you with the therapy, lawn, and stuff.
Good stuff you found a way to play Winaday games on mobile device. Just out of curiosity, is it an Android-powered gadget?
Cheers Jack