I was sitting in there playing, and everyone was rubbing their
machines, saying "come on be nice" others saying, "i feed you well"
Tapping little love taps on the sides of the machines saying "don't
let me down baby" just stuff like that..
Well, i took a different approach..
After putting $50 into a penny bonus machine, down to maybe my last 2 or 3 spins
getting ready to take my butt home, i sat back, yelled "YOU BAD MACHINE"
Hit the spin and i'll be darn.. i hit it for $1500.00...all wilds
after that the whole place was yelling obscenities at their machines
Calling the machines every dirty name in the book!
Although all laughing and having a good time.. but they were trying it!
So the insanity took on a new trend there..