I do believe in the power of prayer but our family never says a prayer out loud, rather we keep it to ourselves. But come Thanksgiving day as the table is set with a feast there is a pause and a fear that casts over the table before the first forkful of goodness.
Who is gonna say the prayer? There is an echo as everyone says "not me, you say it, no you say it, no you say it better"! Depending on who says it it can be longgggggggg or silly or a bit emotional.
I thought it would be nice to share some Thanksgiving prayers! Those that feel on the spot and don't know what to say.... or have a hard time expressing themselves....
Here is a couple i found.....
Abundant Blessing
We thank you for the turkey,
The gravy and the dressing.
Dear Lord, this table overflows
With Thy abundant blessing.
Let us always be aware
That all gifts come from You,
And may we serve Your heavenly will
In everything we do. Amen.
Lord, we thank you this Thanksgiving
For the food we eat and the lives we’re living. Amen.
Lord, we pray You’ll bless this food,
As we eat it now in gratitude. Amen.
We thank You, God, for the food we eat;
We thank you for our lives so sweet. Amen.
Or if you like a more humorous one you could do what auntie did in Christmas Vacation.......
I pledge allegiance to the flag for which it stands.........

Please share your Thanksgiving prayers.