Well as everyone knows, I am employed and do enjoy my job. There was a recent round of people hired, I didn't get hired due to causing about $8,000 in rejects inside of 2 months and I'm just glad I was still employed!

One guy who did get hired was thrilled and I was also as he has a 6 year old boy and he was paying out alot for insurance for him and the kid and his rent and such.

So Wensday, he took his UA

The idiot FAILED the drug test, in fact the word was it was VERY dirty and he has since been fired (Found out the 2 strangers were from the temp service) and now he's without a job and the temp service won't use him again!

I cannot understand why people still do this knowing full well it's almost impossible to cheat a UA and now he's without income and what would have been a great future (Starting pay would have been $13.50 per hour) all gone because he thought he could cheat the test.