
Top Online Casino's voor Nederland

Nederland is het belangrijkste onderdeel van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden, een constitutionele monarchie die ook Aruba, Curaçao en Sint Maarten omvat. Nederland ligt in Noordwest-Europa, grenst in het oosten aan Duitsland en in het zuiden aan België, en heeft maritieme grenzen in de Noordzee met België, het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Duitsland.

Volgens indexen van pers- en economische vrijheid, menselijke ontwikkeling, levenskwaliteit en geluk, en niet in de laatste plaats dankzij een liberale welvaartsstaat die voorziet in universele gezondheidszorg, sociale uitkeringen, openbaar onderwijs en infrastructuur, behoort Nederland stelselmatig tot de hoogst geclassificeerde landen ter wereld.

Wat de gokindustrie in het land betreft, is zowel het gokken in fysieke als in online casino’s gereglementeerd. Deze industrie is goed georganiseerd en staat onder toezicht van een strenge regelgevende instantie die ijverig werkt om de industrie veilig te houden voor de spelers.


Alle gokproducten zijn legaal in Nederland. De minimumleeftijd voor gokken is 18 jaar. Wat de bevoegde instantie betreft, worden alle gokactiviteiten gereguleerd door de Nederlandse Kansspelautoriteit (KSA).

Land gebonden gokactiviteiten vallen onder de Wet op de Kansspelen van 1964 (BGA), terwijl kansspelen worden belast overeenkomstig de Wet op de Kansspelbelasting van 1961 (BGTA). In een aantal secundaire wetten worden de details van de regelgeving inzake speelautomaten, reclame, vergunningen en naleving nader uitgewerkt. De land gebonden markt wordt geëxploiteerd door monopolies, met uitzondering van speelautomaten.

Na de goedkeuring van de wet inzake kansspelen op afstand in februari 2019 ging in oktober 2021 een commerciële interactieve markt van start, na enkele vertragingen als gevolg van technische problemen met het zelfuitsluitingssysteem. Interactieve exploitanten mogen weddenschappen en kansspelen aanbieden, maar loterijspelen zijn voorbehouden aan exploitanten met een staatsmonopolie.

Alle kansspelen worden belast tegen een vast tarief van 29% van de brutowinst. Daarnaast betalen online-exploitanten een regulerende heffing van 1,75% tot 1,95% van de brutowinst.


Op 1 april 2012 , is de Kansspelautoriteit opgericht, een toezichthouder en regulator van kansspelen in het Europese deel van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden. opgericht. De minister voor Rechtsbescherming is belast met het kansspelbeleid in het land.

Deze instelling wordt gefinancierd door het bedrijfsleven via kansspelheffingen en wordt bestuurd door de Raad van Bestuur. René Jansen is voorzitter en verantwoordelijk voor Communicatie & Strategie, Juridische Zaken & Vergunningen en Analyse & Onderzoek. Bernadette van Buchem is de vicevoorzitter en haar verantwoordelijkheid omvat de volgende terreinen: Handhaving, Toezicht, Bedrijfsvoering

en Informatietechnologie & Automatisering.

De belangrijkste missie is om...

...een omgeving te creëren waarin gokdiensten betrouwbaar, eerlijk en transparant zijn. De belangrijkste doelstellingen zijn het beschermen van spelers, het voorkomen van gokverslaving en het bestrijden van illegale gokpraktijken.

Om haar kennis en deskundigheid op te bouwen, is de instelling internationale partnerschappen aangegaan met regelgevers uit andere Europese rechtsgebieden. KSA heeft een memorandum van overeenstemming ondertekend met de Kansspelcommissie van België, de Autorité Nationale des Jeux (ANJ) van Frankrijk, Spelinspektionen van Zweden, de UK Gambling Commission (UKGC) en de Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) van Malta.

Om het hoogste niveau van bescherming en transparantie te garanderen, moeten exploitanten die hun producten en diensten aan Nederlandse spelers willen aanbieden:

  • integriteitstesten ondergaan om een licentie te verkrijgen en volledig te voldoen aan de eisen die door de lokale toezichthouder worden gesteld
  • een controledatabase opzetten met actuele operationele gegevens over de spellen die zij aanbieden, en bovendien de toezichthouder toegang geven tot deze database ten behoeve van het toezicht op de exploitanten
  • aangesloten zijn bij het centrale uitsluitingsregister dat spelers die vrijwillig of onvrijwillig op een lijst zijn geplaatst, moet uitsluiten van deelname aan enige vorm van iGaming
  • de activiteiten van spelers bewaken en ingrijpen in geval van riskant speelgedrag (bijv. het inzetten van grote bedragen of langdurig spelen).

Bescherming van spelers

Een van de gebieden waarop de plaatselijke toezichthouder uitblinkt is de bescherming van spelers. Op de officiële website staan nuttige tips voor veiliger gokken, zoals vooraf beslissen hoeveel geld en tijd men van plan is aan gokken te besteden, stoppen met gokken als men boos of verveeld is, of onder invloed van alcohol, enz.

Vermeldenswaard is dat de instelling bijzondere aandacht besteedt aan reclame- en marketingvoorschriften. Zij scherpt de beschermingsmaatregelen voortdurend aan om de schade te beperken die wordt veroorzaakt door het overmatig tonen van gokgerelateerde inhoud aan gevoelige groepen mensen.

Vanaf juli 2013 zijn alle exploitanten met een vergunning verplicht om in alle openbare advertenties de risico's van gokken te benadrukken met onmiddellijke ingang. Daarnaast moeten alle exploitanten vanaf 1 oktober 2013 een link opnemen naar ondersteuningssites voor probleemgokken en de minimumleeftijdsvereisten vermelden.

In december 2021 kwam de instantie met nieuwe regels voor leeftijdsverificatie. Exploitanten zijn verplicht om de leeftijd van een klant visueel te bevestigen via "objectieve bewijsmiddelen" alvorens hen toe te staan te gokken.

Vanaf oktober 2014 ging de toezichthouder ook een overeenkomst aan met verschillende dienstverleners om betalingen tussen consumenten en exploitanten zonder vergunning te blokkeren. Nog geen jaar later, in juli 2015, ondertekende de KSA een overeenkomst met enkele media-exploitanten om onrechtmatige reclame voor kansspelen tegen te gaan.

Voorts heeft de Nederlandse vereniging van kansspelexploitanten (VNLOK) in december 2021 een bonusplafond van 250 euro ingevoerd en verboden dat 18- tot 24-jarige klanten bonussen verzilveren. Ook werd bepaald dat exploitanten geen reclame mogen maken voor bonussen op tv en radio. Voordat deze code vanaf maart 2023 van kracht wordt, zal zij worden beoordeeld door de Reclame Code Commissie van de Stichting Reclame Code.

De toezichthouder laat zien dat zij vastbesloten is spelers te beschermen en heeft talrijke exploitanten en partnerondernemingen die zich illegaal op de Nederlandse markt richten bestraft en beboet.

Aanvragers van een vergunning die zich vóór de officiële lancering op de markt hadden gericht, kregen namelijk een afkoelingsperiode van 2 jaar en 6 maanden. Zodra deze periode was verstreken, konden zij de vergunning aanvragen, mits zij konden aantonen dat zij aan de wetgeving konden voldoen. Deze afkoelingsperiode eindigde op 1 april 2022.

Ten slotte kunt u als speler gepaste voorzorgsmaatregelen nemen en de voorwaarden lezen voordat u zich registreert bij een iGaming platform. Zorg ervoor dat u alleen kiest voor casino's met een licentie, zodat u een maximaal aangename en veilige gokervaring hebt.

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250% up to $250

Bonus code: MATCH250LCBN

Sign Up Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
25xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US & Non US OK. How to claim: Sign up from our LINK - make your first deposit of $25 or more and use bonus code shown below to claim.25x the bonus and 0 x deposit. Players from Argentina, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brazil, Hungary, Poland, Romania, South Africa, Tanzania and UK need to wager 50x bonus. Bonus expires: Until further notice. 

4 / 5 Beoordeling

  • Alle Software Slotland
Slotland 09/08/16


Bonus code: FREE68LCBN

No Deposit Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
25xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. Amount: $68. Max cashout:$100. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots 100%; Video Poker 20%; Keno counts 50%; Roulette1%. Once credited when does the bonus expire: after 30 days. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Is the bonus cashable: Yes. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Bonus expires: Until further notice. Restricted countries at the casino: Australia, Belarus, China, Czech Republic, France, India, Indonesia, Kazakstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Portugal, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Viet Nam. (Wagering requirements for the players from AR, AZ, BD, BR, HU, PO, RO, RU, SA, and TZ are multiplied by 5x).

4 / 5 Beoordeling

  • Alle Software Slotland


Bonus code: READY30

No Deposit
53xb - Laagste DV
New customers only. T&C's apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. The wagering requirements for Free Chip are 53x, allowing to cash out $60. Applies to all games except titles by Dragon game provider, All Roulette Games, Ride'em Poker, Baccarat, Pai Gow, Craps, Caribbean Poker, Top Card Trumps (Casino War), Draw High Low, Pontoon 21, Pirate 21, Red Dog, Oasis Poker.

4 / 5 Beoordeling


Bonus code: DRIVE

No Deposit Bonus
53xb - Laagste DV
New players only. T&Cs apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. $30 Free Chip. Players need to sign up from our link, activate bonus code in profile (email should be verified). Maximum cashout: $60. Restricted games: No. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses: no restrictions.

3.9 / 5 Beoordeling


Sign Up Bonus
15x(b+d) - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit: $45 / 45€. Max bet: $10. Max Cashout: 10xDeposit. 

3.6 / 5 Beoordeling

177% up to $500

Bonus code: MATCH177LCBN

Sign Up Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
35xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. USD CURRENCY IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR DEPOSITS AND WITHDRAWALS, only crypto. How to claim: Players need to sign up from our LINK - use bonus code to claim. All deposits in cryptocurrencies are automatically converted for play in USD. Wagering requirements: 35xb. Max cashout: $5,000. All games allowed, except the Jackpot Trigger. Different games played contribute different percentages towards fulfilling bonus wagering requirements. Valid: Until further notice.

3.6 / 5 Beoordeling

  • Alle Software Slotland


Bonus code: LCBFG15

No Deposit - Exclusive Bonus
60xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Max cashout: $180. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, Once credited when does the bonus expire: one month. Promo offer expires: Until further notice. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses: $10. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: instant play version. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Restricted games: Wagering on all types of Blackjack, Video Poker, Craps, American Roulette, Baccarat and other table games and non-pokies games, will not count towards wagering requirement. Is the bonus cashable: Yes,

3.5 / 5 Beoordeling

200% up to €1000 + 50 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
30xb - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Plus 50 Free Spins. Bonus funds are valid for all slots (and scratch cards) by Betsoft, Fugaso and GS.Once you receive a bonus you will be eligible to cash out a maximum of x20 of your deposit until your general casino balance reaches 0.The casino reserves the right to remove winnings and withhold withdrawals where irregular play is evident. Irregular play is defined by the casino as one of the following. i. Using double up strategies like Martingale etc. ii. Placing zero, low margin or hedge betting are all defined as irregular betting for bonus play through requirements.

3.5 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL

25 Spins

Bonus code: 25FORTUNESFS

No Deposit - Casino Spins
60xb - Laagste DV
25 Free Spins. Slot:  Fjord's Fortune. Maximum cashout $180. Valid until April 2nd, 2025.

3.5 / 5 Beoordeling

100% up to $100

Bonus code: SIGNUP100

Sign Up Bonus
30x(b+d) - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Minimum deposit: $20. The use of bonus funds to place any wagers on Baccarat, Craps or Roulette games is expressly forbidden and any wagers placed on these games will not count towards any wagering requirement.

3.5 / 5 Beoordeling

  • Arrows Edge
  • Wager Gaming
  • Dragon Gaming
  • Alle Software
    Dragoon Soft
Omni Casino 09/08/16

100% up to €/$300

Bonus code: 100MEGA

Sign Up Bonus
25x(b+d) - Laagste DV
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Minimum deposit:  $/€ 20.  A maximum wager of $/€ 6 per slot machine spin is enforced until you meet the wagering requirements. Restricted Slots: Beach Life, Jackpot Giant, Progressive Darts, Mega Ball, Magic Slots, Dollar Ball Progressive Wager, Wall Street, Cinerama, Fruit Mania, Safe Cracker, Gold Rally, Diamond Valley $/€ 1, Irish Luck, and Queen of Pyramids, Bets placed on any of these stated slots and/or activating the Dollar Side Ball Progressive option is wholly restricted until you meet the wagering requirement.

3.4 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL

400% up to $500 + 25 Spins

Bonus code: NYG25

Sign Up Bonus
50x(b+d) - Laagste DV
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Plus 25 free spins. Min deposit $25.

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

150% up to $150

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
25x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer.  T&C’s Apply. 19+. US OK! How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK,  make at least a minimum deposit, go to cashier/ promotions, and simply claim the bonus. Minimum deposit: $10. Max cashout: No. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: All Slots: 100%; All Roulettes, Caribbean Stud, Texas Hold'em and ThreeCard Poker, Sicbo, Red Dog, Keno and Casino War: 50%; Baccarat, Craps and Paigow poker: 25%; Blackjack 10%; All video and multi-hand pokers 5%. Restricted Games: No. Max bet for the bonus: $20. Cashable bonus: Yes. Sticky Bonus: Yes. Is the offer available on download &/or instant play version: Instant Play.

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling



Sign Up Bonus
35xb - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. Canadian customers must be 19+ to participate. Play Responsibly. 250% Match Bonus, get 310% in case of depositing with cryptocurrencies. Valid twice for New players only, PTX35, max cashout X35 the deposit amount, the minimum deposit is $25. Play and get 100% cashback. The code is applicable to Slot, Card and Table games.

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling


Bonus code: SPELL250

Sign Up Bonus
40x(b+d) - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit: $25. SPELL250 and SPELL300 codes are valid once for new players on slots and specialty games only, PT x40, no maximum cash-out. SPELL300 can be claimed only after playing with SPELL250 code.

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

100 Spins

Bonus code: LCB0325SPIN

St Patrick's Day Bonus
35xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. USA OK! 100 Free Spins on Charms of the Forest. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and use the bonus code in the cashier. Please note: Depositing players last action must be a deposit of at least $20 to be eligible for the exclusive offer. Max cashout: $50. Max bet for the bonus: $5. Minimum deposit needed to verify a payment method: $20. Promo offer valid: 31st March 2025.

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

505% up to ∞ + 55 Spins

Bonus code: GOLOKO

Sign Up Bonus
30x(b+d) - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Min deposit: $20, 13x max cashout, 1x redemption per week.  Deposit with Litecoin and get : A 550% Bonus + 75 Free Spins.

3.3 / 5 Beoordeling

Super Slots 24/08/11

250% up to $1000

Bonus code: SS250

Sign Up Bonus
35x(b+d) - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. First Deposit: 250% up to $1,000. Next Five Deposits: 100% up to $1,000 (code: SS100). Minimum deposit: $25. This bonus is not valid in the Live Dealer Casino. Bonus will only be available for 30 days after redemption. The maximum release amount is 10X the bonus amount up to $10,000.

3.2 / 5 Beoordeling

Slotastic 03/02/16

50 Spins

Bonus code: VIKINGS

No Deposit - Casino Spins
60xb - Laagste DV
This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. 50 free spins on Fjord's Fortune. Max cashout $50. Valid until April 15th, 2025.

3.2 / 5 Beoordeling

50 Spins

Bonus code: GREENSPIN50

St Patrick's Day Bonus
60xb - Laagste DV
For players with a deposit in March. 50 Free Spins. Maximum cashout $180. Until March 31st, 2025.

3.2 / 5 Beoordeling

3.2 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL

500% up to $2500

Bonus code: MPB50

Sign Up Bonus
45x(b+d) - Laagste DV
T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. 500% Welcome Bonus + 50% Cash Back. Min deposit: $25. Bonus Code: HGR50. Wager: 45x(d+b). Max Cashout: 20xDeposit.

3.2 / 5 Beoordeling

300% up to $3000 + 50 Spins

Bonus code: 300LCB

Sign Up Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
30x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. 300% up to $3,000 + 50 Free Spins. How to claim: Players need to sign up from our LINK and redeem the coupon code shown below in the cashier. Game for the Free Spins: Cai Hong with 30 paylines.Minimum deposit: $20. Max Cashout: No Max Cashout. WR for deposit bonus: 120x. WR for Free Spins: 10x. Valid: Until further notice. Is the bonus cashable? Yes. Available on mobile: Yes. Restricted countries from the bonus: Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Mauritius, Moldova, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine.

3.2 / 5 Beoordeling

200% up to €1000

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
50xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. Canadian customers must be 19+ to participate. Play Responsibly. NO US! How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK. Upon registration, players will have the bonus activated in the cashier. Minimum deposit: €25. Max cashout: 5xBonus. Exclusive promo expires: 31st December 2025.

3.2 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL

100 Spins

Bonus code: LUCKY-CHARM

St Patrick's Day Bonus
45xb - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. Amount: 100 Free Spins. Game: Lucky 6. Maximum cashout: $100. Valid until April 6th, 2025.

3.2 / 5 Beoordeling


No Deposit Bonus
25xb - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Get Free Chip upon registration. Max Bet : €5. Max Cashout: €50/ CAD 70/ CZK 1200.

3.1 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL

250% up to $5500

Bonus code: WELCOME

Sign Up Bonus
35x(b+d) - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min Deposit: $25. On 2nd & 3rd deposit get 150% bonus. No max cashout. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See website for list of online slots.

3.1 / 5 Beoordeling

250% up to $5500

Bonus code: KOALAFUN

Sign Up Bonus
35x(b+d) - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. KOALAFUN code is valid on the first deposit exclusively starting from $25 on slots, specialty and card games, playthrough 35x(the deposit+bonus amount), no max cashout. 

3.1 / 5 Beoordeling

100% up to $1000

Bonus code: SBCASINO

Sign Up Bonus
45x(b+d) - Laagste DV
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New customers only. T&C apply. 19+. Min Deposit: $25. Cashable. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots. From day of activation bonus will be valid for 30 days.

3.1 / 5 Beoordeling

55 Spins


St Patrick's Day Bonus
45xb - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. Amount: 55 Free Spins. Game: Bonus Wheel Jungle. Maximum cashout: $100. Valid until April 6th, 2025.

3.1 / 5 Beoordeling

Up to 100 Spins

T&C's Apply
Sign Up Bonus - Casino Spins
60xb - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+.  Min. deposit: €/$10. Make your first deposit and get one Mega Spin for every €/$1 you deposit.  Slot: Spina Colada. Spin Value: €1. Max Mega Spins: 100. If the game for Mega Spins is not available in your country you will be notified of the game you can play by pop up when you are in the casino client

3 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL

75 Spins

Bonus code: LITTLE-LUCK

St Patrick's Day Bonus
45xb - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. Amount: 75 Free Spins. Game: Little Griffin. Maximum cashout: $100. Valid until April 6th, 2025.

3 / 5 Beoordeling

140% up to €/$1500

Sign Up Bonus
50x(b+d) - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Min deposit: 30 €/$. Max bet: 5 €/$. Max Cashout: 15x deposit.  The wagering requirement must be completed within a maximum of 30 days. The following games are excluded from the bonus promotion offer: See the forum post for a list of online slots.

3 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL

100% up to €100

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. Minimum deposit: €20. The maximum bet: €5.

3 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL


Bonus code: LCB15

No Deposit Bonus - Exclusive
60xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US OK! AU OK! How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, click Cashier, open tab Coupons, enter the coupon code and click Redeem. Max cashout: $180. Allowed games: Slots. Once credited when does the bonus expire: 30 days after. Promo offer expires: Until further notice. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses: $10. Need to register credit card to claim no deposit: No. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: No. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: Yes. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Instant play version. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Restricted Countries from this bonus: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Malaysia, Mauritius, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Uzbekistan.

3 / 5 Beoordeling


No Deposit - Exclusive
45xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US Ok! Amount: $15 on "Aztec Warrior". How to claim the bonus:New players need to sign up from our LINK, and the free spins will be added automatically. Max cashout: $100. Game contribution towards the wagering requirement: Slots - 100%; Table games (Roulette, Blackjack and Video Poker) - 10%; Double Up, Game Set, Slot Progressive and QORA slots - 0%. Once credited when does the bonus expire: In 1 month. Promo offer valid: Until further notice. Max bet amount for no deposit bonuses: $10. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: Yes - $25. Is the bonus cashable: Yes, after the wagering has been completed. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: n/a. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Both. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Restricted countries for this bonus: Belgium, Ireland.

3 / 5 Beoordeling

125 Spins

Bonus code: LCB-PARTY

Casino Spins - Exclusive
45xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. US Ok! 125 Free Spins on "Wild Hog Luau".How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK, and enter the bonus code in the Cashier/ Coupons section. The free spins will be added automatically. Max cashout: $100. Game contribution towards the wagering requirement: Slots - 100%, Scratch Cards and Board Games - 25%, Keno - 10%, All other games, network progressive slots and tournament wagers do not contribute to meeting playthrough requirements. Once credited when does the bonus expire: In 1 month. Promo offer valid: Until further notice. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: Yes - $25. Is the bonus cashable: Yes, after the wagering has been completed. Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: n/a. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Both. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. Restricted countries for this bonus: Finland. 

3 / 5 Beoordeling

100% up to €/$250 + 100 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
40x(b+d) - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.  PLUS 100 Free Spins (50 Free Spins daily for 2 days). To get the free spins, you must wager the deposit amount x1. Min deposit: €/$ 20. Max bet: 5€. Max Cashout: 5000€. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots.

3 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL

100% up to €250

Sign Up Bonus
40xb - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly.  Minimum deposit: EUR 20. Max bet: EUR 5. 

3 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL


Bonus code: LATEST15

No Deposit Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
80xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
Available for both new and existing players. How to claim: Players need to sign up from our LINK. For existing players there must be a deposit in between claiming the bonus (two cannot be claimed on the same day). Max cashout: €50. Restricted Countries from this bonus: Bulgaria, Greece, Indonesia, Mauritius, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Serbia, Montenegro, Ontario and Slovakia. Bonus expires: Until further notice.

2.9 / 5 Beoordeling

  • Alle Software Real Time Gaming
meerminder SPEEL


Bonus code: LCB25FREE

No Deposit Bonus - EXCLUSIVE
60xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+  NO US! How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and redeem the bonus code shown below in the Cashier. Max cashout: €50. Restricted games: Blackjack, Video Poker, Roulette, Pontoon, Bingo, Craps, War, Sic-Bo and Baccarat. Max bet amount: No. Is No deposit available on download &/or instant play version: Both. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes. In order to request cashout players must have made a minimum deposit of €10. Exclusive promo valid: Until further notice.This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. 

2.9 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL

2.8 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL

15 Spins

Casino Spins - EXCLUSIVE
50xb - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+. 15 Free Spins on 'SugarPop 2'. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK and the bonus will be added automatically. Max Cashout: 150 EUR. Allowed games: Slots only. Once credited when does the bonus expire: In 30 days. Promo offer expires: Until further notice. Need to register credit card to claim no deposit: Yes. Min deposit needed in order to cashout winnings: 10 EUR.  Bonus can be claimed in conjunction with sister casinos no deposit: No. Is the ND available on download &/or instant play version: Instant version only. Is No deposit available on mobile: Yes.

2.8 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL

100% up to €/$100 + 500 Spins

Bonus code: BONUS1

Sign Up Bonus
35xb - Laagste DV
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. PLUS 500 Free Spins on Super Joker. Min deposit €$10. Max Bet: €$5. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots. Offer is not valid for Skrill, Neteller or Paysafe deposits.

2.8 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL
Lucky Vegas 07/05/21

100% up to €100 + 100 Spins

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
30x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 18+. No US! 100% up to €100 + 100 Free Spins on Rich Wilde and The Book of Dead. How to claim the bonus: Players need to sign up through our LINK, make a deposit and the bonus will be added automatically. WR: 30xd+b (60x free spin (only Slots count)). Minimum deposit: €10. Minimum deposit: €10. No Max Cashout. Game contribution to the wagering requirements: Slots 100%; check casino T&C to check how much other games contribute. Cashable bonus: Yes. Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo expires: Until further notice.

2.8 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL

120% up to €200

Sign Up Bonus - Exclusive
50x(b+d) - Laagste DV
Exclusieve Bonus - Lees de details
New customers only. T&C apply. 18+ This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. Canadian customers must be 19+ to participate. Play Responsibly.  NO US! 120% up to €200. How to claim the bonus: New players need to sign up from our LINK, select this bonus from the drop-down menu on the deposit page and make at least a minimum deposit. The bonus will be added automatically. Minimum deposit = €30. Maximum cashout: No max cashout. Allowed games: Slots only. Cashable bonus: Yes, after the wagering has been completed. Available on mobile: Yes. Exclusive promo valid: Until further notice.

2.8 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL

400% up to €1500 + 80 Spins

Sign Up Bonus
40x(b+d) - Laagste DV
T&C’s Apply. 18+. This offer is not available for players residing in Ontario. New Customer Offer. T&C’s Apply. 19+. Play Responsibly. 80 Free Spins on all Betsoft games. Min deposit: €10. Wagering requirements must be fully met within 14 days of the bonus being credited. No Max Cashout.

2.8 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL 16/05/23

100 Spins

Sign Up Bonus - Casino Spins
25xb - Laagste DV
Alle voorwaarden van toepassing. Alleen voor nieuwe spelers van 24 jaar en ouder. Wat kost gokken jou? Stop op tijd. 18+.  Min Deposit: €20. After the free spins are added to the account they are valid for 48 hours. Only available to players aged 24 or older.  Cashable. Selected games only: See the website for a list of online slots.

2.8 / 5 Beoordeling

meerminder SPEEL
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